
Recently, as I was browsing autotrader again, my wife called me a car slut. While I hate to admit it, she’s absolutely right. Every car I’ve ever owned, including the one I have now, has been “the car I love so much it’s perfect and I will drive it until the end of time” but I have replaced (or consider replacing in

Aside from fines and potential jail time, can we also have “beware of moron” laser etched on their forehead?

There are a few people here who are definitely not invited to my parties.

Why was it supposedly impossible for my father to drive at night with the interior dome light on?

Well now that this has gone viral online I’ll know to stay away from McDonalds (I do anyway) because locations are about to be overwhelmed with obnoxious customers demanding (while recording of course) a dinner box or meal bundle that probably isn’t even offered at that location, but they’ll be angry and adamant that

Kevin would also advise that after you crash your boat into another on a late-night booze cruise, killing an innocent person, have your wife claim she was driving so you don’t ruin your career and lose that car-buying income.

Does the Mustang Mach E count? Cuz that one. 

Could be why the Reddit thread has been deleted by a mod.

Emotional sensitivity” in this case is the rich person’s way of calling you a pussy for not spending your money.

Wait, the cops couldn’t verify the authenticity of the license plate even with this little text on it “Notice of fee schedule you agree to pay $10,000.00 for each minute delays or detained from a non-emergency traffic stop”?

As an old person who’s been alive since the Before Time, I can’t believe that there isn’t some sort of manual backup option. I mean, believe it or not we had restaurants before computers and the internet. Presumably the kitchen works, the food is there, the staff is there. I admit I would be bemused and briefly

He looks like a pasty boomer who probably has a top-loading VCR flashing “12:00" in his living room. 

If he wants to run with stereotypes, let me just say he looks EXACTLY like I expected.

Apparently the engineers and executives at Fisker have never heard of the Streisand Effect. 

Time for Easter Avocados and the surprise wooden ball inside every one.

Malignant Affluenza.

Legit funny.

I wouldn’t visit us either.

Who buys stolen cars from an 11 year old??

You’re a model-specific shit knob.