
Hyundai Elantra. The N model in particular but everyone who drives an Elantra thinks its an N model anyway. Get tailgated only to have the driver slow down to less than you were going in the first place once they’re ahead of you? Elantra driver. Clogged left lane? Elantra driver. Pass an Elantra diver? Insulted, so

I don’t want to disappoint anyone but in the interest of unbiased political coverage, 2024-YR4’s electoral district runs from the Pacific Ocean to Northern South America, the Atlantic Ocean, central Africa, a corner of the Arabian peninsula, the Northwestern Indian Ocean, and then to South Asia. Unfortunately that

The easternmost end of a toll highway here is 4 lanes, with a huge median separating the direction of traffic, that is very, very sparsely travelled, particularly on weekends. I do not safely cruise on this stretch of highway at 145kph (90mph). Absolutely not, no sir, officer reading this.

There is always the possibility, and I know this may be a radical suggestion but hear me out, maybe this guy is just an overall douchebag and the hostility has nothing to do with the truck.

This is dirty hippy talk.

The people getting out of their cars and walking in between the piled up wrecks are giving me anxiety. What the fuck are you doing? You are volunteering as a meat bag bowling pin at that point.

Naw, this made me laugh. It’s all good.

As someone with kids who are older than the Prowler, I hate you for calling this car “vintage”.

I like the cut of your jib.

What a shitbox.

Oh, but you got a sports car

Seriously, what the fuck are y’all trying to do to me? Between this and the $20K Bentley in Vegas earlier this week (not a NP/ND car), I mean you’re telling me I can have a total of 22 combined all luxury cylinders for $35K all-in? $1,600 a cylinder? 1002 combined horsepower? For $35K? I mean, shit, I can use one to

What the fuck?

The Toronto Police Service has quite a few unmarked grey or black Dodge Ram 1500s. They look like the Sport model and are almost impossible to identify, even up close. One recently drove up and parked in the middle of a pedestrian crossing as I was walking home from work. I glared through the tinted window at the

I like this thinking. This is the animal spirit of jalopnik. It’s the built not bought ethos but out there on a wing and a prayer that maybe you won’t have to do the built part. And if you do, I mean, if you really had to, you could always just LS swap it with a junkyard V8. No one would know unless you opened the

If Tinder was a physical thing, this is what it would look like. 

“When an emergency vehicle is behind you, what should you do?” Definitely a basic driving question but judging by what I see actually happening on the streets of my city, not as straight forward an answer as you would hope.

This didn’t disappoint. And I mean, you’re probably not wrong about the Cybertruck but really, this screams crypto bro house. It was going to be epic, bro, but now it’s for sale without having been lived in after he got rug pulled and lost everything.

Who just sits there and accepts their fate? There was an obvious solution.

Remember them well. After we were done riding and rolling them we’d go play lawn darts. Good times.