Were they "comedians" though? I get what you're saying but there are better exa, I imagine.
Were they "comedians" though? I get what you're saying but there are better exa, I imagine.
I get the feeling this isn't a tragedy. It seems oddly like a redemption story even though we know what "happens" to JimmyI just have a feeling Nebraska isn't the ending of Jimmy's story and that the ending will at least be hopeful even if it isn't a happy one.
I believe I've read about him being one of those guys who kind of despises being known as a comedian and that he wears that insecurity pretty outwardly.
I feel lucky, my father is the same age as yours but he watches this show and hates crap like Blue Bloods. He's also a hugely hypocritical progressive and a very abusive man but at least he has taste.
But it's not like he hasn't paid for his past. He's worked his ass off to try and mend his ways.
Wait, someone here follows this show? What a website!!!
I love it, but it really shouldn't be there. Not because it's too mean or truthful but because it's not really a joke, just a statement of fact. A roast has to have jokes otherwise it would just be such a brutal experience.
I still am not fond of the gaydar type of shit, but at least they subverted expectations to an extent.
He will never be sympathetic.
Did he? Do we know that for a fact? I really don't know.
Maybe Williams and Thicke's legal team should have thought of that before preemptively suing
the Gaye family?
I know in Elmore's world that all criminals are fuckups in the end, but this just betrayed the character of Boyd Crowder that had been established for six seasons. It just doesn't seem like him. Now if he had some glorious plan that just hit a snag due to one tiny detail he missed, then I would buy it but it just…
That's such a stupid little quirk, man Elmore was awesome.
she actually hinted to Raylan that it doesn't matter if Boyd is gone. I think she knows.
You'd think that, but there once was a "coffee shop" down the street from me. This place had people come and go all day and all night. Within the first week I had lived there, before I talked to any of the locals, I decided to see what the place was like. I go in, and it's desolate. Like no furniture, no patrons,…
Or movie magic?
Didn't he admit that Raylan is basically playing him? I just think he's letting his greed override what he knows to be true.
In the end it's simply about who has the most content. The cost is almost irrelevant to them. The service who has the most and best content will likely be left standing. $90M here and $90M there is practically nothing in terms of the long game.
It being good makes it good, perhaps?
Ah, ya I think I recognized her because of her sister. I kept trying to place her but with no luck.