El Gorcho

Which I'm not too please about myself, but I suppose nothing can be perfect.

Except Pan's Labyrinth is greater than Big Fish by about 100x.

He'll never anchor the show again.

So the bar is as long as we are kinda better than Republicans now? Should we not hold ourselves to a higher standard?

Income inequality has increased exponentially since he took over, his close relationship with both wall street and silcon valey must be questioned, he continued bush era patriot act policies, he drastically expanded the drone program… He's not perfect and there are many things a liberal can legitimately criticize him…

You sure about that?

Is that on YouTube?

He's a douche for taking a principled stance now? We've lowered the bar that low that one is denigrated for standing by their principles? There are many ways in which he's a douche, canceling a show because of his documented history of veganism is hardly one of them.

His fans know what they're getting.

Everybody loves a strawman.

Does anyone even know what a hipster is anymore? It gets tossed around so frequently I have no fucking clue anymore.

And the covering up of his mistake is not a crime committed during war? C'mon we're arguing over semantics here. What he did was criminal, whether it was technically a war crime or not is irrelevant.

No, they just view women as beneath them. Totally not misogynistic at all.

See my post implying you're a nationalistic creep.

If they're in makeup than it's more palatable for the audience.

But then we'd get the same homogonized crap we already get from Marvel. It's lose/lose no matter how you look at it.

Well Jack isn't a short form for Jonathan.

By the time this movie comes out, he won't be much younger than Ford was during Raiders. Hard to call him "young Ford" when they're basically the same age.

Some people are concerned with more than just money though. Being on the wrong side of something could be that thing that concerns him more than money.

In terms of box office, you could make a case for Channing Tatum.