El Gorcho

I would also add Amy Adams.

Did people really pick McKinnon and Jones to be in the movie? I highly doubt they were anyone's first guesses.

Exactly. Her and her husband are worth around $75M, so they hardly need the money. Of course you could make the ludicrous argument that you can never have enough, but that implies all sorts of ridiculous things that are completely without foundation. She had no good reason to come forward, period. That won't stop

I think I had heard this song before this "controversy" was unearthed, but I can't be sure due to it's blandly formulaic future.

Why would this show acknowledge the tension though? The show seems pretty sympathetic to law enforcement that it would actually come out of left field if they cast law enforcement in any sort of negative light.

Ya, I had a problem with the show's idea of a public defender. They're not exactly high-powered defense attorneys.

And you can't be honest with your children? I mean seriously, are you a prude?

Genius may be going to far.

Forgive me for hating the perpetuation of stereotypes that were dated 20 years ago. I never knew being for equality was the height of snobbery, again, my apologies.

It will never not shock me that this kind of comedy still exists.

Wow I never tthought I'd be siding with a conservative in a scientific debate.

And a fucking neuroscientist.

How is the prosecutor helping a Muslim convicted of murder? That's odd.

Ugh, brobible.

Hard to say you gave it a fair chance when you watched one episode and decide you are never going to watch it again.

It's one thing coming from a "white man", it's another when it's coming from a "black man". It truly is. I don't know how to properly articulate it but I know many liberals where this line of thinking applies.

I would have liked somebody to also call out how much actually changed for the better in India after British rule. What Gandhi did wasn't exactly a cure all and his kin severely fucked up that country.

Talib kinda actually agreed with him. At least he didn't wince like the other guests and admitted that Burr wasn't exactly incorrect with the notion that people generally don't give a shit about something unless violence is involved.

I am just so emotionally disconnected from the show at this point. I recognized that I should be feeling something but I felt absolutely nothing. The way this season has been constructed has left me completely cold and removed from a show that I once had great affection for. Such a shame.

This show has turned into some conservative wet dream, it is unbelievable. I know Harris Wittels has a lot of swing in the writers room but c'mon, this is insane.