El Gorcho

Ya I fear that too, it's just so damn predictable and of course so damn ridden with staid gender normative bullshit I just can't even contemplate it at the moment.

This show doesn't feel the same. Was I missing something all these years but since when did this show become about the virtues of capitalism? Almost every character is going on about how great their lives are now that they are embracing the private sector, Andy even denigrates working for a non profit, and of course

Your mom was surprisingly progressive. For most parents it would be the other way around.

The problem was that he chose that question as the jumping off point for his whole rant. It's similar to how people who usually say nothing in regards to public displays of affection will often make a comment about it in relation to a gay couple. When called out they often say well no I don't like it when straight

It is hard to empathize, but maybe you should try it sometime. It's good for your health.

People can often be hypocrites without realizing but yes, reading the whole comment with context it appears he wasn't being homophobic. However, he made it very easy for people to interpret it as such due to the erratic rambling nature of his answer. It certainly wasn't clear in the sense that he was being coherent or

But it can often have the reverse effect e.g. Fox News.

Except for the parts that aren't of course.

And he should cater his words to idiots? That's the level of discourse you want in society? Holy hell, here I thought Idiocracy was a work of fiction and not a documentary.

You know what? Since nuance is lost on you how about I say so what if he compared a Nazi to a 4 year Iraqi war vet? Maybe there are bad people on whoever's side you're on. Just because you're fighting for freedom doesn't mean you're a good and pious person. In fact assholes and horrible people fight for virtue

It's Clint Eastwood, propaganda was likely the intent or at the very least a benefit he wasn't going to minimize and exploit if he could.

This was sort of the explanation Sisko gives somebody when they questioned the design of Starfleet vessels.

But this movie is his act. I don't see how people could be turned off by this movie if they enjoy his stand-up, it seems like his sensibility through and through.

Then you'll love this movie.

No, but you see women are just marriage-obsessed materialist whores who are easily distracted by shiny things and white dresses and who only want to separate you from your friends anyway as soon as they can, so it just makes sense - Essence of Kevin Hart's Stand-Up Act

Actually people have, on here and other sites.

Have you seen his act? I'm actually surprised he didn't co-write this because all the horrible jokes the reviewer mentioned seem like they are straight from his specials. This is who this guy is as a performer. We should not be cutting him any slack.

Did you actually watch the trailer?

I'm certainly not going into an movie expecting casual racism under the guise of " genuine sentimentality".

And that makes it better?