El Gorcho

You should listen to their podcast. The smug self satisfaction of doing the "lists" in a more intelligent fashion than anybody else is so damn insufferable.

That's interminable.

But there's an actually arc. He grows up throughout the trilogy, the same cannot be said for Annie.

So he helps perpetuate a system based on greed that continues to oppress the weak and underprivileged but yet he gives millions of dollars to a private education institution that only continues to perpetuate extreme income inequality and he should be patted on the back for it and all other things he may or not have

I'd download them, but it seems like such a hassle.

Or the most selfless thing a parent can do. It really depends on how much an asshole the parent is

That is the only positive Abrams brings to the table. But I'm not entirely sure it's that he's good at directing actors or merely good at casting, but either way the acting is usually never the problem with his films. I will give him that.

Have you ever seen an Abrams film? Like ever?

I don't know, he has been a real asshole with the film preservation flip flopping and his anti-union stance. Perfectly pleasant people can also be assholes. Case in point; Marco Rubio. He seems like a charming man, who also happens to be one of the biggest assholes in the country.

Have you seen Super 8? A pleasant movie, but it also shows you that fanboys are hardly who want making this kind of movie.

I had no idea he was the same guy. See, I'm not racist, I couldn't even identify two rappers as the same person!

How was she not charged with manslaugher? It's not like there isn't a precedent for the charge.

Surely you can't be serious?

When quoting Lemon, one must always preface the quote with "I have to ask".

Sometimes the heroes of history are ogres, trolls, and monsters. The truth hurts.

And he would agree.

I fear the ravens will upset the pats. I hope that upset doesn't come to fruition, but (John) Harbaugh scares me.

And sometimes "satire" is just an excuse to revel in depravity.

If anything it's the exact opposite.

I understand that it will likely be explained, but why are there still stormtroopers and why do they look nearly identical to the one's in the original trilogy even though it has been over 30 years? It's hard for me to get excited about this when every single thing we saw in that trailer seems completely lifted from