El Gorcho

The 1980s wasn't that long ago. There were people who thought these things were offensive even then. The "PC" movement was starting to gain steam around that time and it feels like these movies were almost a preemptive response to the changing values of the time, which makes these movies even more offensive in my mind.

The problem with Salon is they take issues that I generally agree with, and based on their outrageous rhetoric, make me question whether I'm actually on the wrong side of those issues. It's best to just stay away.

Because they don't hate tyranny, they just hate it when their guys aren't the one's yielding it. These are people who think we essentially should have mean testing for voting. Democracy means nothing to these people, they just use "democracy" as a means of decrying those in power who oppose their interests.

Take comfort in knowing that the right wing lunatics are just as enamored with him as some of the lefties.

I don't see how that is inherently a character flaw.

He's turned into a bit of a right wing nut the last few years, rallying around the 'Obummer Is a Socialist' meme. It's kinda upsetting.

Do you know she hates you because you know you are exactly like the men she describes? If so, I can see why you'd be upset at her for calling you out on your bullshit.

to be fair, the Payback straight up edition is a pretty great movie in it's own right.

It's hard to take his social criticism seriously when in his private life he personifies many of his criticisms.

Or worse. What's worse; an ignorant asshole who's oblivious or an asshole who realize he's an ignorant asshole and refuses to do anything about it?

It's hard for me to not get the impression that this is one of those "all brown people look a like" situations. Even though Bernal is one of the best actors of his generation, his casting still makes me feel just a little uncomfortable.

The greatest at hitting the same notes in every role? If so, then yes… we agree.

Oh that's her shtick. She is never consistent with her opinions. The only thing that's consistent is if everyone like's something, she has to point out how wrongheaded everyone is for liking it, and if a film is getting a lot flack, she tells everybody they're blowing everything out of proportion. In the end she just

You're really convinced he a) never raped anybody? b) never physically assaulted women? Even if you are, the threatening comments he's made directly toward women and the comments he continues to make about women more than justify people not willing to give him a free pass.

Some comments he continues to make regarding rape and women in general leave me less than convinced of him being a "changed man". I have absolutely no problem in continuing to judge this man as a horrible human being.

To be fair, liberalism is a very broad term and can mean many different things depending on the context and where you live in the world. Most conservatives in the united states are by their very nature liberal, in the classical sense. The country is a liberal democracy after all. Basically, the statement itself was a

Oh you can bet your ass some stupid overly sensitive Canadian is going to be complaining about it, I guarantee it. If it's not a nutso conservative it'll be a self righteous socialist. It's amazing how moralistic both extremes can be in Canada, to the point where it's hard to tell the two apart.

Well she's a detective. Where I'm from, detectives make pretty good money so it hardly seemed all that unrealistic to me especially if she's on a lease. Hell, I know a detective who owns a mercedes on a lease. Come to think of it, maybe he's a mole for the local drug cartel…

Tell that to the Republicans.

You must not come around here much, because that's pretty tame by avclub standards (especially for two comedians who are quite loathed around these parts).