Isn't he constantly in the tabloids for his drug addiction though?
Isn't he constantly in the tabloids for his drug addiction though?
So Rose Byrne's character is a lesbian?
Maybe It's the fact that they will totally be ripping off the expanded universe, even though they swore they absolutely weren't?
Counter point, Matt Mira and Chris Hardwick. Just listen to their comments about women on their podcasts, they clearly have not quite gotten over it.
The law doesn't distinguish between want and willing.
Apparently, his mother contacted the FBI well over 10 years ago. But even still, coming to terms with abuse doesn't run on a timetable. It can take years for some one to confront the person who abused them.
Almost every review I've ever read has alluded to the fake accent and it's always confounded me. I'm glad I'm not the only one who's never noticed this "accent"
Wait Shirley is not obnoxious about her Christian faith? Have you seen past season 2?
We'll good, she's a conservative nut job, glad she can't find work .
If you read through the comment section you will find that there are quite a few valid and intelligent responses to your query. Now, go get enlightened.
That can be said with most satire though can't it?
This article of pure contrarian bullshit could only have been written by two people; Nugent and Sims. Lo and behold, it's the Nuge. Thanks Nuge for failing to defy expectations.
Mine was Total Recall.
Well they're wealthy, wealth doesn't exactly equal power. It certainly helps though.
Wel he's a fucking Carradine!!! Of course he'd be despondent that this is what he'll be best remembered for on this earth. Then again I'm sure he'd rather this fate than being remembered for dying of autoerotic asphyxiation… So that's something.
Unfortunately there are a lot of kids who get undiagnosed with being on the spectrum. Which pisses me off with these asshole parents claiming their kids are on the spectrum. I feel like slapping them in the fucking face and saying that there are kids who actually need help and aren't getting it and your kid is just…
Oh God, I have friends who will go on about the nerdy things they like, and I just shake my head. For instance they just beat GTA V and they were bragging about their nerdiness. I said have you beat ICO? they just stare up at my dumdfounded. I said you're a not a nerd then.
I'm so glad it's blame the victim day here at the AVClub.
I think that's part of the problem, that you didn't recognize it for what it is. It kind of builds this in a way cultural tolerance for that kind of behavior.
Unless Jackson is covering for the studio, it surely sounds like this is his doing.