Elex Dusk (Permanently "Pending Approval" Due to "Feels")

Oh gosh... back in the 70s only around 30-percent of the American adult population was overweight and around 10-percent was obese. Extremely obese people were a rarity (barely 1-percent). Push the clock forward to 2016 and though those categorized as overweight remains steady at around 30-percent the percentage of

Err... at US$55 a month for Xfinity Wi-Fi for my phone I’m paying around US$1.75 a gig. Even at a discount US$13 a gig is beyond outrageous.

“And the response; why does Nicole Kathleen feel compelled to talk about their finances and young daughter and her choice to stay at home and raiser her? Even in the age of social media oversharing, it’s not really clear how that factors into her outrage at some assholes jumping in her husband’s car. Also, why isn’t

Okay... someone please educate me on this one. Off the top of my head I’d guess it’s a “many hands problem” in that there’s not enough staff to process the evidence kits which, in turn, results in an ever-increasing backlog waiting for testing. However, there might be more than enough staff to process the evidence

She’ll (eventually) hit the “notable” wall on Wikipedia. Unless the person (in this case female STEM whatchamajiggies) are actually /notable/ then the page(s) will be (scheduled for deletion and then) deleted.

Over the years I’ve learned the most attractive quality in a person is: They’re /into/ me. I stopped messaging females on OKC a few years ago and while actual dates became far less frequent the quality of the dates went up dramatically (I got sent home on a “Walk of Shame” one morning and even had a limp). The only

“Remember milkmen? Yeah, neither do I.”

It’s called “the suspension of disbelief” for a reason. Otherwise you’re simply enjoying a series of still pictures giving the illusion of motion. Anyway... highly excited about your upcoming piece about how Judy Hopps (Zootopia) would be too short to join the police department (and is also an anthropomorphic animal).

My two take-aways were the IKEA French press for US$9 (a really good deal; ordered it) and I’ll check into Square Cash. That’s 200-percent more take-aways than I normally get from these sorts of pieces.

“Poor, poor Keller, founder of some server-centric startup called Commando.io which I hope I never come in contact with”

So... if I understand correctly: Simply toss out “patience” and wait a day when it makes more sense to burn electricity and contribute a smidge more to global warming. I’m also excited about LifeHacker’s upcoming bloggy blog post about the “10 Best Rice Drying Fans”.

Hmm... Karma charging US$40 for 5-gigs /plus/ US$150 for the gadget is a bad deal (keeping in mind that Karma can’t seem to make up its mind on what their “deal” actually is). My current solution is the FoxFi/PdaNet app (unlocked for about US$8) on my phone (which cost US$30 [and runs Lollipop]) at US$45 a month

So... about 90-percent less than what it will actually cost to complete the job (0f replacing all the lead pipes in Flint).

So... Wiccan Cat Ladies 4 Bernie is a meme on “dating” sites now. Got it. Thanks.

You we’re right. (Notice how I inserted a shitty apostrophe error?)

There’s actually a simple work around for this. Buy additional data from somewhere else (the “cool” grandpas that presently run mobile phone companies will eventually figure this one out). I pay US$45 per month for my Boost Mobile Android phone with (a whopping) 2.5-gig of data and then slather it with unlimited

Oh, Clover *eye roll*

Oh... Rolling Stone wrote about this. They’re the bastion of properly fact-checked journalism (their coverage of a thing that happened at University of Virginia is an excellent example of how RS will dot those T’s and cross those I’s while getting to the truthy-truth of a story).

So, if I understand correctly: Between now and Election Day every day with the word “day” in it there will be a debate.

Oh... I’m sure he’s all “Lincoln Park” when hanging out with the douche-bros in Wrigleyville but when the shit hits the Telsa he’s suddenly “Lakeview”.