Elex Dusk (Permanently "Pending Approval" Due to "Feels")

Celebrities “do that” (donate bottled water in this instance) as a marketing promotion for the companies they’re involved with (under contract; paid by). Under the guise of false humility for making the donation the goal is that you’ll purchase the product in the future. In the (likely) event of human misery somewhere

Originally the /proposed/ intent was to save US$5-million over two-years by switching from an existing clean water system to using the HIGHLY CORROSIVE Flint River (which is basically acid rain in river form). So far it’s poisoned nearly 12,000 residents of Flint, mostly children (meaning: the going rate for poisoning

Okay, so if I understand correctly:

I gave Netflix another shot back in December and got grandfathered in at the old rate and even got a free month. Sadly, “600 hours worth of original programming” didn’t vault over the bar of 600 hours worth of COMPELLING original programming. Admittedly, that’s a slim metric; specifically: Do you have anything I want

Wouldn’t a better headline be: “Trick a Guard Box-Protected Thermostat into Warming Up Because You’re a Special Magic Snowflake Who Can’t Be Bothered with Bringing a Fucking Sweater to the Workplace”?

So... if I understand correctly, any American male born after 1985 is pretty much a complete pussy who will go stabbity-stabbity any time a girl says, “Hey, you were born after 1985 so you’re pretty much a total pussy when it comes to you not getting your own way constantly. We’re breaking up.”

At least it’s not based on Friends or Gilmore Girls like their grandparents.

“He does not strike me as a man who pays much attention to women.”

Okay... I browsed the replies. Here we go: She was either going to die this way or while slamming into the side of a semi-truck while driving and texting on her phone (it’s not like someone is currently tasked with carving “Stephanie Hawking” on her tombstone). Millenials have an amazing ability to completely ignore

First, if there was only /one/ movie made within a year it would auto-magically be nominated for and win an Academy Award (yes, it would win, it was the /only/ movie made that year; if it was only five movies: they would /all/ be nominated).

Oh.. so if I understand correctly: The Canadian /immigrant/ is complaining that a /native-born/ American failed to endorse him.

Okay... so if I understand correctly a 63-year old white guy (that no one has every heard of )in Florida is apparently fascinated with an underage girl in another state.

As there’s no statute of limitations for rape in New Jersey (and if you wish to have a yes/no answer beyond whatever might be said within the court of public opinion) then you can certainly pursue a charge against “Dave”.

Err... they cut their bandwidth. You probably meant:

Did Martin Shkreli just become CEO of Karma? *blink*