
As long as parents are actively trying, I give ill-behaved children a pass. Children are prone to unpredictable behavior and so not everything can be planned for in advance. We took our children to lots of restaurants when they were small, and only rarely did they not follow the rules. (They saved that behavior for

We already know young parents are inherently selfish, especially those with more than two resource-burners. Because OVERPOPULATION IS TERRIBLE BUT MY FIVE KIDS WILL ALL BE PRESIDENTS AND CANCER CURERS. So we shouldn’t be surprised if they and their spawn act selfishly, obnoxiously and dangerously in a public setting.

Confirmed germophobe here. Surely, no one could object to a gentle reminder such as “Please don’t lick the salt shakers.” Seriously, the reminder to keep the kids out from underfoot of the wait staff is a reasonable request. Restaurant owner and even the wait staff face liability for collisions resulting in injury to

Anyone who is “horrified” to see something like that is an over the top jackass or hopefully its just written that way to add drama to the article and not true.

You have kids, you agree to new life terms. Simple as that. There are new responsibilities. Maybe you don’t get to go see the newest flick because no one wants to watch an intense movie with your kid crying or asking questions loudly the whole movie. Same for restaurants.  

I kind of have to shrug because while I understand the need to police shitty parenting in restaurants, I also feel like the worst offenders think they are entitled to suffocate everyone around them in their terrible parenting that it doesn’t make a huge difference. You could literally paper the walls of any

Saw a kid 2 weeks ago running back and forth on a long wall booth seat that extended several tables while parent was talking to a friend they ran into. Kid wipes out and smashes head on table corner and bled. Likely needed stitches from how thick the wood was. What can staff do if you cant watch your own kid and see

At 7, I’d hope you trust your kid can make it through a restaurant meal, so I can see how the parent might be a little offended. However, I have been at nicer restaurants when a family with a couple terrorists show up, and you know that your enjoyment will be impacted. Parents with noisy kids are like people who use

It’s sad that such a notice is even necessary, but many parents let their children wail and wander with a complete lack of respect for everyone else in the dining room. I have worked in restaurants for 30 years and it is so common and disheartening.

If your effin rugrat is running around and screaming and creating mayhem, get his/her ass and the oblivious parent(s) out immediately. And do not be pleasant about it. And not just at a restaurant, this goes for the grocery store and Target and the clothing store and ANY other place where I am shopping. No excuse for

Bravo to this restaurant, and shame on anyone who would have a problem with a mildly worded statement like that.

That’s the Chili’s/Friday’s/Olive Garden market niche. Parents with young kids and alcoholics that make the same messes as a three year old.

Yes, I’ve seen this too. That’s where you get the problems. I totally understand that the adults want adult time and conversation, but they get so absorbed they don’t even notice the kids screaming and banging their silverware on the table.

I agree it could have been delivered better, but the other day I got to see first hand what happens when two parents who are enjoying their meal out couldn’t watch stop their kids from running around and almost slam into a server carrying drinks. The parents didn’t even offer an apology, they just kept eating.

As a parent, parents who let their kids run around the restaurant like little shits are the worst.

What I’ve noticed is that in a group of adults and kids, what often happens is the adults ignore the kids to socialize among themselves. You wouldn’t do that in a group of all adults. It’s rude. If you go out to a restaurant with kids, engage them as your companions at the table. You can tell it’s going to be an issue

If you’re the type of parent that allows their kids to run around the fucking restaurant, then you should be asked to leave. Not my job as a customer—even in a “family friendly” place—to avoid/deal with your kid running around unsupervised.

There are very few things that give me as much joy as comment sections where parents are pitted against foodies.

My kid is just 2, so if a restaurant doesn’t have a high chair or booster, we don’t eat there. We also tend to go to places where food comes quickly (like TexMex). I can’t even understand why anyone would let their kid get out of their chair in a restaurant. I mean, trust me, I know kids are jerks. I have one. But

I think this notice is totally reasonable. I was in a restaurant that was relatively empty recently and there were two kids whose parents let them literally run EVERYWHERE. The one that was about five tripped on a sandwich board style sign and went tumbling into the wall, and a server had to go over bc the parents