
Might seem passive and an odd venue choice, but remember how easy it is for many men and women to tune out this conversation. Those people pay attention to these events and celebrities, even elected a celebrity president, and if they avoid the televised event, they won’t be able to escape the coverage. We need to be

In the U.S. - land of opportunity - that is starkly not the case: “there is tremendous inequality in the US, with lower education groups, unmarried and African-American women having much higher infant mortality rates,” the authors conclude.

That’s yer problem, lil lady. Maybe if you cooled your jets with the feminazi whatnot there you’d find a nice man who’d wanna take you on, take care of you and provide for yer womb critters. But if you keep using that sorta foul language, well, it sounds like it’s your fault if you’re struggling! Struggling against

Paul Ryan is definitely the kind of dad who will walk his daughter down the aisle, cry, and say he’s never been more proud of her [than when “giving her away” in marriage].

And FFS if there isn’t a black woman up for election, vote for the candidate most willing to support black women.

My personal fav suggestion on this list:

“The only thing I’d say is to honor his wishes and blame only Satan.”

They sometimes do. And then they clarify, “Just a regular drip coffee?” Like they can’t believe it. I don’t know what it is, I assume it’s gendered because a lot of dudes come in and order a black coffee without them batting an eye. This isn’t every barista—I’ve been a Starbucks barista myself, and I know they sell a

I tried that route! I didn’t SCREAM the full two hours, I went back and forth between being calm, asking them how they slept at night, reading law-type-things off my friends’ cell phone screens as they Googled these things, but to no avail, unfortunately. I can’t help but feel that if I were a lawyer, though, or knew

More definitely happens from a plot/narrative standpoint, but those events were small potatoes compared to his investment in the characters, I guess? I’m prob paraphrasing his viewing experience badly, though.

I assumed that, out of his two girlfriends, they wanted the dancer to do the rather acrobatic love scene, but I get what you mean. They barely give her any speaking lines, unlike Fry. They should have given her more lines if they wanted to do that.

I assume they did it because they weren’t going to show him in cahootling Princess Margaret, so they wanted to give our imaginations a little boost.

I’m surprised you got anywhere. I screamed at them for two hours straight on the phone and they just kept transferring my call until someone said we’d have to take them to court.

I’m still in grad school and even I won’t fly Spirit anymore.

This airline is evil. No one should ever book it, unless it’s an emergency. Maybe you’ll luck out and your plane will leave on time, but there’s a good chance that between the hidden baggage fees, extremely delayed take-offs, and the other ways they find to screw you over you’ll end up wasting more money than you

I know a lot about this time period because midcentury is my specialty, but my partner knows NOTHING. We enjoy the show in different ways—I’ll know something is coming and am delighted by its portrayal, or upset, or whatever. TheOtherShoe has NO idea what’s going to happen so, to him, it plays out like a dramatic

once it happened I was 99% convinced they’d built that set specifically to accommodate that sex scene—that the set architect IS the sex choreographer and that’s how it should always be. the sexitect.

sry but whales aren’t american now ARE they miss lauren evans?

lol shoe shaming is fine. she chooses to wear those shoes.