
They’re either stupid, rude, or both. This happened to a friend of mine recently—she had a very strained interview with a group of people and the employer later had the audacity, when he bumped into her weeks later, to tell her that she was too reserved in the interview. She’s very personable, and told me that it was

Is anyone else sentimentally attached to their bed? I brought my old bed frame from when I was a teen with me into my adult life and I’ve had my mattress for 7 years, but it’s a double bed. After many months of living together with the boyfriend, I couldn’t take the smallness and softness of the bed anymore so...this

Well, you shouldn’t feel like garbage because someone treated you like garbage, they should feel like garbage. It seems pretty obvious to me that yeah, you’re right, they already had someone lined up for your job. I’m so sorry that they put you through that and wasted your time and your money, though. That sucks.

I’ve looked everywhere for one, and have come up empty, too.

You get it.

Just replying to nudge this toward the top.

Yeah. Caveat: this is from 2010 and all, so I have to hope that standards have shifted in the past seven years, but this was(/still is?) a pretty well-known concern? She doesn’t phrase her dissent super-well, in that she doesn’t add a disclaimer that she’s not homophobic, but her tweet is clearly voicing a concern

Back in the antediluvian era, I know a lot of people thought it was nice that Ivanka didn’t just coast on her money, but turned it into something that was her “own.” It doesn’t mean she earned her money, mind you—and the illusion that she and not her father’s capital is responsible for the success of her brand is

bingo. but to add that that: not be seen being seen in the art scene.

My only complaint about MM’s post is that she liked Ivanka’s dreck.

It always bugs me when something so serious is included in DirtBag.

Hat tip to Glamour for the find.

it’s cute naked, too! one of the last phones that you could reasonably carry around without a protector on without ASKING it to crack. i mean, i couldn’t—i am a mega butterfingers—but my partner has kept his naked for many years.

Ugh. Why am I not surprised. This story is not re: Franken, but some a liberal guy I really like—who is usually pretty good about women’s issues—put a big ol’ post up on social media about the role that MONEY and CAPITAL plays in these horrifying #MeToo stories, and how unequal wealth distribution might be to blame.

Accurately, but mega out-of-proportionally.

The republicans and democrats have both demonstrated very clearly that they are willing to forgive violence and crimes against women to protect male leaders. When men wonder what we mean when we say that they create cultural where sexual predators thrive, THIS is what we mean. And the women supporting Franken are even

I get it. He’s not Roy Moore or the president. But this class is not graded on a curve, my ducks.

I know. I expected some Franken apologists, but not this many. [Puts computer down and skips away from the internet.]


Sad, disappointed, and pissed are all much better reactions IMHO than the intense fingers-in-both-liberal-ears-lalala-denial going on in comments here there and everywhere across the blessed internet about how he wasn’t so bad and shouldn’t have resigned.