
“And look who’s down there dancing a jig! “Aaaaaaaay! It’s-a me, Fabrizio!” Fabrizio treats everybody to all-you-can-eat breadsticks and then invents the mafia. Can someone tell me why this movie wasn’t entirely about Fabrizio?”

Tape One forever. There is no Tape Two without Tape One. Tape Two is just a shitty action movie. Tape One is poetry. It’s a subtle exploration of class, love, and Edwardian sexism. Tape Two is garbage trash harnessing historic tragedy to sell movies making a LITERAL SPECTACLE of mass death. I’LL ALWAYS LET GO, TAPE

Thanks! This is the sense I get. Mind you, I don’t talk with my brother about his sex life with her partner much, but just being around their exhaustion (and the fact that they want to do things like nap and laundry when the kids are with grandma) made me think this was probably the case.

Is it wrong that I’m a tiny bit thankful this happened because it’s such a stark example of appropriation that I think it will help us read the more nuanced instances or am I looking, utterly panicked, for silver linings because I’m overwhelmed by horror?

Kara is more than fine, Kara is on the side of truth and goodness.

You can just click through on the Rebecca Rose tweets above. (Rebecca Rose IS Burt.)

Fully convincing and absolutely delightful Twittering

This link isn’t loading for me but those numbers must differ A LOT if the couple has young kids, right? Little tiny suicide machines are soul sucking. I say this as an aunt, by no means an expert.

I don't have shame or social boundaries but my #1 goal re: public toilets is to touch nearly nothing so we can rule me out.

By goddess you've solved it

I love this. This is how I email my personal squirrelfrans but not...other people. I do know one intrepid emailer who sends department-wide emails like this and I adore them. So she is also a high priestess I suppose.

I only watch gymnastics so I don't have to make these hard ethical choices.

This. 150%

Aww I don’t think that comment is so bad. Maybe because I don’t think that that gender stereotype is so bad.

I take pictures to remind myself of its placement in historic sites but not if the art is in museums. If I'm just referencing the painting/statue, though, I absolutely just find a high res online.

Mother of Pearl, I will never get those four years of my life back.

I feel like you want this movie to go in One Direction but honestly it’s going in another.

Why is Kevin Spacey playing a cat?????????????

I can’t speak for Legolas but I would personally love to paddle board naked. And if we need “reasons” how about DELIGHT?

She’s such a beautiful creature.