
I kind of interpreted “[alleged] serial cheating” negatively.

When artists I respect are bad as humans I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY EMOTIONS.

He’s way too cherubic IMO. Sometimes these types become appealing to me because of talent or personality but in this case alas.

I was trying to find a diplomatic way to comment on his smallness but fuck it, I’ll just star this.

Josie and the Pussy Cats

Are you suggesting that the abovepictured elephant is not me?

are they that big be honest

This type of behavior, in a peanutshell, is why I had to get off OkDumbo.

Tale as old as time, Aimée.

Re: the ladies, I hear that a lot, too. The “biracial people are the most beautiful” comment or the “I’m going to marry someone with an X background so we’ll have beautiful babies” speculation, etc. Coming from biracial people, from their friends, from their mothers, from complete strangers... It’s a bizarre

And furthermore, put your phones away at the bar for chrissakes people.

There’s nothing wrong with white chocolate except for the name “chocolate” and the expectations it conveys.

BLUE, April, you're into BLUE.

I know, the whole “town’s treasure” thing was a BIT much.

UGH gah I already admitted it is a crime and he is wrong just let me have my feelings about this. I’m not exactly a Supreme Court justice here.

Each time I get another sincere and informed response about spy archives I die a little more inside.

Wayyyyyyy too much work. Just get a vibrator, little lobster friends.

A lot of goofy shit happens here in the grays. *high five*

Sure, it’s a crime. Two wrongs don’t make a right, etc. But their wrongdoing was intangible and his wrongdoing was tangible and in my heart, it’s fair.

I’m with Bill Murray on this one. He wasn’t at a public event or anything. He should be able to enjoy his dinner without people snapping photos WITH THEIR FLASHES ON or at all. This is rude and treating people like objects is always fucked. Plus, they’re going to get plenty of money because of their shitty behavior so