
The ones in the House of Lords are red. Our Houses of Parliament are basically Christmas themed

Point. It’s a while since I watched it so I’ve lost the finer details. I just remember sitting in the cinema as the credits rolled, having an overwhelming feeling of “Wow, that was obvious”

To be fair, that twist made perfect sense, but only because it was so glaringly obvious from the beginning of the movie...

Just like Yelp. Actually makes it less useful for people trying to use the website the way it was intended...

I’ve never read a positive review of any company I’ve looked up on Glassdoor, they’ve all been ‘negative’ to ‘meh’ - I’m not saying that all these companies are terrible, it’s more that people are more likely to review things they feel poorly about.

To be honest, I’m all for exposing people who want creatives to work did free. It’s not ok and future workers should be warned

I also like going to the movies alone, because other people talk and steal my popcorn.

I have a dim recollection of reading an article that said people were doing less coke because it couldn’t be ethically produced- but I can’t remember where I read it...

‘Trump’ means ‘fart’ in the uk...

The Nobel prizes are weird in that you *can’t* refuse them, like, you can not acknowledge being awarded it and ignore the ceremony, but as far as the committee is concerned, you’re still a laureate.

Interesting. A friend of my parents died in the 1980s, in the uk, after contracting AIDS/HIV from a haemophilia treatment that was made in the US.

Social (as opposed to work) and drunk is when the most new-friend hugging happens I susoect

I went for a job interview a month ago, the other candidate and I left together and after we chatted outside the door of the office for a bit, we said goodbye and she went in for a hug. Very awkward.

I think it’ll call the correct country’s services. According to this Reddit thread, it might redirect you or it might get you through to US emergency services....

112, it’s the same number all over Europe, and will also work in the U.K. although our number is officially 999.

I never even knew that top-sheets were a thing until I started reading Jez. They’re not normal in the UK, and duvet covers are really easy to wash...

Well that sucks. I’m also sad about people being anti-pet chickens. I’ve got four former battery hens, who are definitely pets, they’re teally chill and lovely despite a shitty start to life. They like eating hummus, strawberries and snails and occasionally pretending to be parrots

My grandma, who also has Alzheimer’s, has also started coming out with more and more used-to-be-common-now-kind-of-racist terms. It would be fascinating if it weren’t so so sad.

Ditto when people get engaged 🙅
