
Thanks, but no apology necessary.

You’re safe to assume that if you’re reading a comment on Deadspin, it’s probably a terrible pun.

I tried, but he couldn’t hear me because it wasn’t attached to his head.

Phew. Is there a composition test, cause me right real good.

Yes, a 9-minute mile is pretty slow. But, it's still a run.

Go set your nearest treadmill at 6.6mph. If you don't break into a trot, you're going to fall off the back.

I was just being silly.

I hate semantic arguments as much as you probably do, but words have meaning and “violence” implies intent. I’m not claiming wrestling isn’t physical or sometimes even injury-causing, but it’s not violent.

Fair point. Nevertheless, I don’t believe WalMart is burying Rousey’s book because she’s a woman.

Not really a double standard since MMA is real violence and wrestling is fake.

Completing a mile in 9 minutes means moving at 6.66 mph, which is much faster than walking pace.

If I recall, 300 meters = 3 miles, so to complete that in under one minute sounds tough.

This guy sounds like a prick, but you went to law school, so the joke's on you.

Anna, I know you have made multiple apologies on Jezebel. I was curious if you’d addressed the issue in other forums (I don’t know where else you might write) and was specifically interested if you’ve reached out to personally apologize to any entities/individuals. Thanks.

“She’s a goddamn hero to still be covering this fiasco and taking the heat she’s taking.“

God, that would be a terrible fight. There’d be no contact unless, while running away from each other, they accidentally collided.


What evidence is there about what kind of parent she is? Asking with no snark.

Oh, for fuck’s sake. That was not an Islamophobic joke. That was a “this picture looks like that picture,” which it does.

  • 3 minutes.