
Because you don't think he hung on the rim or because you think that refs should filter their calls based on the score and stage of a game?

We have certain rights, but many of those rights can be forfeited. For example, if you commit a felony, you forfeit your right to vote. If you're convicted as a sex offender, you forfeit your right to work with children.

If you want to make the slippery slope argument, you have to show be able to show that this forced sterilization will actually lead to state-sponsored genocide. If you can't do that, you're committing the slippery slope fallacy.

That's a lot of words.

I don't know much about wrestling (if it happened after Nikolai Volkoff, Ricky Steamboat and JYD) but why wouldn't the WWF want this guy as their champion/face of the franchise? He seems like an awesome guy.

You need a hug?

Agreed 100%. I think they both genuinely love the game, but whereas Judd is happy just being a fan, Lee seems just a liiiiiiittle too desperate to be part of the action.

That makes sense. I was operating under the assumption that ride cards are refillable. Is that not the case?

Well, you sure tore that straw man to shreds.

I was just looking at your comment history. You seem mean and angry.

It's not that this person is selfish, it's that she's a hypocrite.

I don't consider myself an authority (your words, not ever mine) but having spent nearly 20 years in cities with public rail transport, I'm also not talking out of my ass.

"So I take it you have never ridden a subway before."

That's another good point I didn't consider.


Respectfully, I'm still not seeing it.

Ok, this makes some sense, although you'd still have to coordinate your final ride with your card's expiration date, which seems impractical.

Is there any practical benefit to the "perfect balance?"

More like daily, so what I'm saying is, BRACE YOURSELF!
