
Well, that rules out legal reform, then. I guess the only thing left for people to do is stop consuming the work of the paparazzi. If demand disappears, the suppliers will close up shop forever.

"Whether or not people crave celebrity news gives no right to paps chasing after someone for photos."

Agreed. I was excited to see the Pats manage 1st and 10 from behind their own 1 with 20 sec remaining.

You're correct that outlawing invasive photography would destroy paparazzi, even if the demand for celebrity gossip endured. And if that hypothetical law ever came to pass, you'd also be right that paparazzi would deserve blame if they continued to produce their product. However, this hypothetical is just that - a

Your argument is spurious because it attempts to conflate black markets (organs, drugs and child porn) with the legal product of celebrity photos and gossip. You're also attacking a straw man since nobody besides you has ever made the argument that child porn should be legal on the basis that there's a demand for it.

What does that crayon analogy mean?!?

Thanks for the link. That's a dumb and offensive thing to say but I don't find it racist.


I never got the John Mayer hate, but the guy sure didn't look too comfortable up there.

Why do we not use bidets? It baffles me.

Whoa! I've seen RotLA and ToD a dozen times each and somehow never knew ToD was a prequel. I thought it was just a terrible, terrible sequel and that Kate Capshaw is the worst actress of all time.

I must say, I'm rather (al)keen on that joke.

Life is probabilistic, not binary. For the first time, I feel it's more likely he won't ever win again. However, for the last five years, Tiger's status has flipped so many times between "OMG HE'S BACK!!!" and "OMG HE'S DONE!!!" that it should be obvious that none of us can predict anything.

If you want to argue that "Tiger needs to retire," you'll have to specify to whom or what he has that obligation.

Leslie may have understated Jenner's stature with that sentence, but she made up for it later when she said he was "as successful as, say, Michael Phelps."

What his motivation? Catching Jack.

This is good star-bait!

I'm going to have to buy this.

I'm going to have to buy this.

Size 6-10?!? Now I know you're not interested in having a serious conversation.

"It's a game. Not really all that complex."