
What is there to be jealous of in Phoenix? I'm dying to know.

Other things that are Phoenix as Fuck?

You've fallen victim to some confusion and misinformation.

I did yoga 6x/wk for 6 months back in 2012 and it was the best I ever felt since being a teenager. But, I missed using that time for stuff I enjoyed more, like climbing and biking.

Thanks. Your advice is both entirely accurate and perfectly depressing.

Why debate this when Albert Burneko can tell us definitively which peanut butter is best, and which ones of us are stupid?

Respectfully, is this really a point that needs explaining?

Maybe I'm missing your joke. JEJ was great as a character inspired by Salinger, but it's not like FoD was a biopic. If you're making a film specifically about somebody, it helps if the actor looks like the character he's playing.

I'm willing to give Segel a chance, but I actually think fat-Bradley Cooper could pull it off.

I'm not a runner but I'll be running a 10K in May, and would appreciate any advice that anybody is willing to share.

Absolutely nothing. But like I said, wearing the ring gives the message that graduating from college is the wearer's biggest accomplishment, which I doubt is something anybody wants to experience or communicate.

Sorry, typo.

NE definitely is not, but a quick google search shows most sources consider ND to be.

Is this the kind of mistake that gets you in trouble with your boss? Are you nervous about going in to work tomorrow, or do you expect to be merely razzed, but not disciplined?


What a cheap shot! And then he runs away. It's like he learned how to fight from Carmelo Anthony.

Men's teams tend to build their strategies on raw power. Women's build theirs on strategy, ball handling skills and teamwork.

We should all wear whatever the hell we want. Despite the title of this article, that's what real adults do. So, if you have a class ring and it makes you look and feel good, go for it.

I couldn't follow a word of this. I began to try again, and then realized I don't care.

"Tiger? Golf??? TEETH?!?!?