
Two things: 1) grownups are rarely able to manage their personal lives, whether they have money or not. And b) “engaging in behavior that may compromise you” is incredibly broad, vague, and subjective. Meaning it could be anything these days.

Which could be anything from assault to having non-emotionally reciprocal sex— so, yeah very vague.

It doesn’t make a lot of sense in the original language either, it’s very disjointed. It might be something that is more discernible in context (the clip is clearly taken from a much longer conversation), or referring to something we’re not aware of. My guess would be that she means to convey that he’s such an asshole

From that text, it appears that Kinnaman did wrong and knows he did wrong. I can sort of envision a scenario where he may have seen things differently, like maybe he had been too aggressive but read the situation as consensual, but ultimately, it seems as though he crossed a line.

Here’s a translation of the four audio clips, the earliest one first. It’s hard to capture the tonality, and I’ve tried to go for accuracy rather than cleanly flowing dialogue, and it’s rather chaotic at times, but something close to this:
Kinnaman: I’m ashamed for how I behaved afterwards.

If it’s performance inhibiting, then they won’t qualify for the Olympics. Also, if that were the case, then they should prohibit alcohol use which is definitely performance inhibiting.

It’s still taking a little getting used to to see Sudeikis being so wholesome.

Was this expulsion due to “regular pot use”?

Well, those “fans” have been conditioned to consider these players “not English.”

Fair point - it is certainly natural to start from the assumption that people you know are not absolute cunts of the highest order, until they prove otherwise.

You’re right, of course, but this particular person was previously an active member on the same football forum I’m on, a forum for my local team. I don’t pretend to know the man, or think for a second that people who support my team are all saints, but it was so weird watching this guy who had previously been an

I don’t agree on it being the best squad in that time scale. The 1970 squad was probably stronger than the 1966 squad, and the squads from around 2002 to 2010 were probably stronger man-for-man in pretty much every position. The difference is that Southgate got them playing as a team.

Agreed wholeheartedly. There were some mistakes I think that Southgate made in subbing players too late on the final, and in no world should you rest the fate of the entire tournament on the shoulders of a 19 year old (and my god, it was heartbreaking to watch him break down afterward), but it was England’s fans who

Well said. The team and manager were great and the bad fans can do one. All the players should be proud, I know I am of them.

It shouldn’t be notable but it is - I’d just like to mention that Italy joined England in taking the knee before kick-off, which I wasn’t expecting (which probably says more about me). Good on ‘em.

Yeah, pretty much this. The growth is especially apparent ever since Summer gets more to do, because she’s taking after the absolute worst parts of Rick - the selfish, enabling, reckless hedonism. Morty’s more accustomed to violence and shit but that’s played more like getting accustomed to earthquakes in California -

It’s not really a measure of success so much as it is about cultural ubiquity. The Simpsons had a greater percentage of the population regularly watching, basically, so a greater level of cultural ubiquity.

It’s more that their endpoint so far is to be more hyper-competent and “badass”. Beyond that the show isn’t interested in having the Smith family actually grow as characters because that would require questioning the show’s nihilistic ethos.

Those are pre-streaming numbers.  There’s so many shows these days competing for the same limited amount of attention that I’m not sure many culutural phenomenons on that scale happen anymore.  The audience is too split.

Its an old adage. How ironic can you keep shilling until your just shilling? Its like ironically liking a band for years. Is there a different between being ironic and actually just liking it?