
Surprisingly well spoken and better thought out than I’d give him credit for, but Jesus Christ, Maher, I guess you couldn’t get anyone else?

Is Aparna really classy and mature, though? Remember she slept with that other dude at work and now calls him a “bad decision” in front of everyone. She may be a beautiful woman, but in her early scenes her energy seemed very “douche-bro”ish to me.. Probably has to be like that in the overly-male-oriented tech world,

Thank you for the welcome, Carioca. :) Seriously, this Kinja shit makes no sense to me. I thought my comments were lost until I saw the the pending tab. I guess this is the whole “being in the grays” stuff?

I’m incredibly dubious that Daniel came on Issa’s face on purpose as part of some master plan for revenge. The apology looked like a way to just try to get past it and smooth things over, and the “I guess we’re even” seemed like a poorly timed joke intended to keep things light. Since Issa had never given him head

I really hope that the Dro storyline doesn’t resolve as “the open relationship is a lie and he’s been cheating the whole time.” To me that’s a very Shonda Rhimes twist, giving Molly a solid out (“I don’t want to enable cheating”) without giving her the chance to grow and confront her real issue— that her childhood

But whatever Daniel believed he was doing last week, what he said this week reveals that he was keeping score, and that he didn’t think they were even until now.

*in that meeting with the partners* “You are an invaluable member of this firm, Molly, so I’m afraid we really can’t let you go. You belong here. Now - sink into the floor”

ARH, you were right last week! Props.

- I felt so tense when Issa called out the Vice Principal’s behaviour in public, then I felt relieved when he laughed, which made me laugh along cathartically

I expect that her trashing her apartment and the notice of rent increase are also connected. (Remember the comment at dinner that the building is going through upgrades). The show is signaling that gentrification will become one of the problems Issa will have to deal with and how people from lower-income neighborhoods

This was a great episode; can’t wait for the finale next week!

You get 100 gummi bear points:

I’ve come around on Kelli. She’s great. Tiffany is still the worst.

First cumshot for HBO? They’re going to have to open a new position on the executive board: HBO CEO of Skeet.

The military has not historically covered gender-transition surgeries, though President Barack Obama did announce plans for it to begin doing so. That cost would be between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually for transition-related costs, according to a RAND analysis commissioned by the Department of Defense.

Yeah, this is a trial balloon. If the response is anything less than thunderous condemnation, we’re fucked.

Bill Clinton pardoned a prominent supporter (Marc Rich) for financial crimes at the end of his termusic. It was a mistake, and it was rightfully a scandal.

The general reasoning appears to be either, “It doesn’t affect me, so why should I care?” or “yeah, bet that will piss off some libtards!”

As you yourself quoted, she used the term “one blueprint”. This means that there are multiple and all should be available to female characters. There is nothing in her statement in which she denies that Wonder Woman is of a certain template. The point is that, as typical as it may be it’s been monopolised by one

I think I’ll just look else where for a critique of Feminist Icons and their depictions than James “My blue aliens are as fuckable as possible”Cameron.