
They were nonetheless a tiny minority. British society wasn’t diverse. No there is no “conspiracy” to hide black people in Victorian times. They just weren’t many of them which you would know if you had opened a history book.

Trans theory reinforces stereotypes instead of challenging them. In the process they enroll children on a lifelong journey of medication and surgery. That is why the idea of “gender identity” (ie: claming you are whatever you claim you are, in spite of evidence) being more important than biological sex is dangerous.

Here we go. I’m “transphobic” because I don’t agree with the idea that a woman is anyone who “feels like a woman” whatever that means. If you want to be a man and wear dresses and makeup, awesome, go for it. But you’re not a woman, you’re a man. Besides we’re talking about a kid who doesn’t know any better about the

Do you even know what gender is when you’re 8 years old? Come on. The kid probably doesn’t conform to gender norms which is good because gender norms are bullshit. But that doesn’t mean he’s transgender. I get that you want to be progressive and so do I but I cannot agree with a theory that claims that gender is an

Gender is a social construct, claiming it’s an innate thing is what I object to. So no, gender identity being formed early is not a fact.

It’s crazy because we are talking about a child. A child who didn’t come up with the idea of transgenderism on his own. If an adult wants to transition, fine, whatever (I still think trans theory is fucking crazy and deeply sexist at its core). But not a child.

She’s unbelievably pretentious

Yep. It’s crazy. The kid is 8. Someone put this idea of transgender in his head.

So all it takes to be trans is people saying they’re trans? Even a 8-year-old?Yeah that’s crazy. Identity is not a feeling. What does it mean to “feel like a woman”? to feel like a man? I’m a woman and I don’t “feel like a woman”. I just am because biology.

Yeah I’m super uneasy with this idea of a 8-year-old transgender kid. Sorry but that’s insane. When you listen to trans people, most of them tell stories about how they identified with the stereotypical roles of the opposite sex which basically means they didn’t fit gender roles, and who does exactly? Boys can like

I’ve watched three episodes of Fleabag and I love it. But I completely disagree with the article: I don’t find Fleabag unlikable at all. She’s completely relatable (except when she sleeps with awful men, why?) and normal and real. I guess a normal British character reads as “unlikable” in America.

Well I hope not because she was an asshole on Broadchurch.

Yeeeah I immediately recognized Waller-Bridge from Broadchurch. I love playing that game with British television where you end up seeing the same actors in lots of things. Off to watch the whole season of Fleabag now.

I love the concept of breaking the fourth wall. I guess you’ve never watched the British sitcom Miranda: the show does it constantly

About Broadchurch: the actress playing Fleabag is also in it, she plays a lawyer if I remember well.

I adore this movie. I know what I’m doing tonight: rewatching it as I own the DVD

Really? I’ve read the absolute opposite on here: everyone is team Angelina and everyone is accusing Brad Pitt of abusing his children which is a pretty severe accusation considering we don’t know much. Maybe Brad is an abuser but maybe he isn’t. If he isn’t, can you imagine how it must feel to be accused of such a

I love Eucerin.

No. Urea is obtained not through pee but through chemistry. And it’s a wonderful moisturizer, especially for very dry skin. So no you can’t just stick your feet in the toilet after you pee, it’s very different.

What about aluminium salts? Because those very effectiv deodorants are full of them and they’re bad for you. I’d rather pay more for sth that’s not toxic and won’t end up giving me cancer.