
Coming out as bi for a woman is not scary. As long as a woman is open to dick, her sexuality is accepted. Coming as gay, that’s what terrifying for men: women who are NOT interested in them. I’m so tired of bi women claming they’re the most oppressed when they benefit heavily from straight priviledge.

Well the article is about France so maybe you should not comment at all if you don’t know about the subject. What’s the point in trying to compare vastly different situations (France vs USA)?

Like that would ever happen. All your analogies fall flat. You have no argument except to say that a woman should indeed be covered from head to toe. Well fuck that. I don’t want my country to become a country where plenty of women are dressed in burka/hijab/burkini. I’m glad burkinis have been forbidden by several

Really? That’s the analogy you’re going for? Nuns? Really? Come on use your brain.France is highly secular. You have NO IDEA what you’re talking about. Nuns are not all women. Christian women are not recquired to cover themselves from head to toe so no your analogy doesn’t work at all.

Burkini is not a religious wear????? Are you serious? Only Muslim women wear it. Come on now. I get it, you want to show how progressive you are but you are completely missing the point. Completely.

Ths is France, not the US. France is a deeply secular country. It took 200 years to get rid of priests and of the power of the Catholic church but now we should tolerate an intolerant religion like Islam because why exactly? Burkini is not just a piece of clothing, it’s a provocation, a way to say that you don’t

It was awful. And incredibly misogynistic.

81 American movies out of 100 is A LOT. I’m guessing a lot of the critics are Anglo-Saxon. Sorry but several of those American movies shouldn’t be on there, there are far better foreign films.

Seriously, how can fucking Spring Breakers be on this list? I just can’t.

Well the article focused A LOT on American athletes. Like, a lot. Some women from other parts of the world were added but mostly it was: yeah America! Why am I suprised?

Domestic terrorism? You mean American domestic terrorism? Because I’m not American so my perspective on things is not American at all. But of course, yours is. I’m European and yes Muslims extremists ARE the biggest threat. And please, no, I don’t watch Homeland, stop projecting your own issues onto me.

Yep these swimmers encapsulated the three priviledges: male priviledge, white priviledge and American priviledge. They assumed they’d get away with it.

Well yeah. They’re the biggest threat. Do you follow the news or are you living under a rock?

Come on, she IS a gold digger. She’s also an abuse victim. But she totally married Johnny Depp for money and exposure, I just don’t believe this was motivated by love.

Yeah the “lonely” question is baffling to me. I’ve always lived alone (except one year in college) and it’s amazing. I love it. I look down on people who can’t be alone for 5 minutes.

Yep they had two appartments on the same floor. Of course it means you are rich if you can do that but that’s my ideal living situation. I can’t stand someone always in my space and I love living alone. I don’t even like sleeping next to somebody else. I have a couple of friends who have NEVER lived alone (they moved

the victims’ stories are all over the place. The athletes were probably doing something illegal and tried to cover it up by making up a false robbery. So yes Brazil is right to pull them off a plane to investigate the whole thing.

How many people exactly have an amazing lifestyle? How many? Very few of them. They’re a tiny minority. And please if life in Nigeria was so great, there wouldn’t be so many Nigerian immigrants. I get that you want us to have a more nuanced view of an African country but claming that Nigeria has many people who

Oh yeah that’s exactly the same. Exactly. Seriously do you listen to yourself?

Todd Haynes did such a marvelous job that I have no issue that the movie was directed by a man. And he’s gay, which matters.