
There are blond people in Spain you know.

Seriously. Syria was fine before the civil war. It was an authoritarian regime sure but it was one the most stable country in the ME. We (and I talk as a European but I also include Americans) are not responsible for this mess. It’s time countries in the region take their responsabilities.

I hope that’s what happens.

It’s also mind-boggling because older generations have actually experiences World War II and the biggest success of the EU was bringing peace to Europe. How can these people be so blind?

Indeed. Such a stupid, stupid move by the UK. I’m seriously stunned they actually decided to leave. On the other hand, sorry but good riddance. The UK has been a reluctant member since 1973.

I’m almost afraid to ask but which movie is this from?

You felt bad for Suzanne after she kidnapped a kid and that kid died? Suzanne should be in a mental institution, that’s where her parents should have put her in.

It would make more sense if Taystee was holding the gun. Who is Poussey to Daya? Nobody. Besides Daya did nothing all season except talk a bit with Aleida, I was actually glad to see so little of her cause she has been boring since the beginning.

Suzanne’s backstory made me hate her: she’s mentally incompetent, she kidnapped a kid and he diedd because of her. She belongs in psych, especially as she’s responsible for Poussey’s death.

You don’t know anything about her, just what her family (who of course want to paint her as completely innocent) and some teacher who taught her 20 years ago said. It all seems very convenient to claim that she has some learning disability. She also pleaded him not to do it so for now, I will assume she’s responsible.

I’m a gay woman and I hate the word “queer”. So there. And don’t presume to know what other commenters think about other stuff. You have no idea. “Queer” is a slur and it’s especially disgusting to use it because to older generations it’s a terrible term. Why we’d want to offend gay people who paved the way for us, I

You assumed wrong. The UK is nothing without the EU market. The City knows it.

The EU is not incompetent nor corrupt. I don’t know where you got that. The UK has been a reluctant EU member since 1973. They don’t want to commit, they still long for their lost empire. If the British want to leave, I say please leave. We’ll be fine without them and they’ll be on their own with their “special

And yet that is how the Quran is considered by Muslims: the universal and inerrant word of God.

You can always dream I guess

I’m not so sure. By refusing to use the term “radical islam” Obama is not being smart, sorry. Trump is awful but on that one thing, I agree with him. Why not call it what it is? It WAS political correctness that prevented Obama to say “radical islam” let’s be honest here.

Enough with this “he was probably gay himself” crap. Enough. He was in all likelihood, straight.

Because these liberals hate the christian right so much (and rightly so) that they want to blindly love eveything the christian right hates. Which includes Muslims. It’s “the ennemy of my ennemy is my friend” idea. It’s dumb as fuck because most Muslims are not liberal at all but there you go.

The Old Testament is pretty hateful but the New Testament isn’t at all. The main difference is: nobody wants to create a society based on the principles of the Old Testament. As opposed to Islam with sharia law. I’m seriously tired of people bringing up the Bible to justify the intolerance that can be found in the

It’s almost fascinating how much in denial liberals are about this.