
Totally. That's why I'm very glad surrogates are completely forbidden in my country. Why don't people realize how truly fucked up the whole surrogate situation is: you rent a woman's body (like you'd rent a flat or a car, isn't that great?) who of course is not doing this out the kindness of her heart- because really

The US is not Western media though. Where I live in Europe, I can assure you that the Palestinian side gets reported a lot. Also, we get demonstrations every week of pro-Palestinian groups and it often ends in violence because they attacked some synagogue or they clashed with pro-Israel groups.

"attempted genocide"?? Hahaha what an interestig notion. Do you really think that if Tsahal wanted to get rid of every single Palestinian, they wouldn't have done it by now? Genocide is about intent and how you carry out that intent. Tsahal being one of the best army in the world, they have all the power to do so and

You're examining the situation with perspective and actual insight. That means you're a rarity in this thread that seems to prefer to take a black and white approach (let's blame the West for everything!).

Indeed. Don't people know they can hate someone and still recognize that person is talented? I mean, this whole thread is claiming Woody Allen never made a good movie. Woody Allen *is* a major director and has made fantastic movies. It doesn't make one a terrible person to acknowledge that.

Really? Which ones? The way Luc Besson is somehow considered an interesting director in the US keeps amazing me.

Sure, let's excuse the destruction of humanity's most important historical artifacts by bringing up the fact that "hey, Americans (or some other people) fucked up as well!" Brilliant.

Thank you for your comment.

Thanks for the trailer. But "Returns soon"?? What does it mean, BBC? Soon when? Argh.

Yeaaah... Here's the thing though: I don't buy for a second people who say they don't want kids because "the world is such a scary place and I don't want to bring a kid into such a place". No. If you don't want kids, just say so. Don't pretend it's because of altruism. People often resort to that argument because,

I avoid threads that have to with the Israel Palestine conflict like the plague. This time, I took a chance and I have to say, thank god for your comments, they're the only sane ones in this entire thread.

Thank you. The amount of ridiculous outrage here is unbelievable.

The thing is, it costs a shitload of money to test blood (100 euros where I'm from, no idea about the US), so let's say someone donates blood, that blood is tested and they find out it's infected. Well, it's 100 euros out of the window. Since gay male sex is the biggest vector in HIV transmission, it's about not

Yep. Also, whenever a movie trailer opens with "Based on the incredible true story of..." I just want to run away. It's so manipulative: oh so it's totally earnest and over the top but how dare you criticize it! Because it actually happened!

Seriously. When Mad Men is over, Emmy voters will be like "oh, shit, Elizabeth Moss has never won an Emmy for Mad Men" but it will be too late, people. TOO LATE. But yeah, sure, keep nominate Kerry Washington and Claire Danes.

You mean there's NO evidence. Not all myths are based on actual events. There have been some theories that some other semitic people who somehow escaped as slaves (maybe a dozen of them? maybe more?) could have later been incorporated into the story and made to be Hebrew by the time the Exodus was written but again,

It depends. Some therapists maintain very strict boudaries in order to remain a "blank slate" to their patients, some are more in favour of sharing stuff (within boundaries) with their patients, only if it's in the patient's interests and in order to create a more equal relationship. My therapist has never told me

Friends and family aren't objective to your situation. There's too much baggage there. You need a professional who 1) has the training and 2) who can be somewhat impartial to your problems in order to help you reach your goals and heal. That doesn't mean that therapists are absolute impartial robots. They're human too

All of this plus she just looks like a bimbo. I don't get the appeal at all.

You live in Belgium and were rooting for the US? You must have felt pretty alone haha.