Electric Ukulele Land

In general he's been a good sport — waiting all this time for all the other characters to develop, various plot threads to coalesce. A lesser villain would have rushed in, not bided his time. Not the Night King — he's a real team player.

Explains why it's taken them so long to get anywhere during the course of seven seasons — they've been dragging those damn chains with them everywhere.

It's all symptomatic of a general problem with striking visuals and epic looking set pieces driving the plot, along with an apparent need to escalate dramatic tension to the point of absurdity. Maximum danger without the remotest possibility of survival is the order of the day. Except for of course they will survive

Westeros is a rapidly shrinking micro universe. By the end of the series, the wall will be a stone's throw from King's Landing.

I'm hoping that Arya only appears to be holding the idiot ball and the "twist" will be she sees right through Littefingers nonsense .

And your point is?

6-1 Randyll Tarly — I thought he already bit it. There seemed like there was a brief but pointed shot of him becoming engulfed in flames and trying to extinguish himself in the water — it seemed like inevitable comeuppance for his desire to flog his own men (i.e. The pay off to the "kick the dog" trope — I.e. this

Too bad he doesn't have one in Seoul

These are all true statements — but not a guarantee

Yes, because there's no other way that scenario could possibly turn out…

Not sure we should be taunting Mr. Fire and Fury like he's Marty McFly

Cannot live up to expectations/ hype — willing to bet the Mooch will bail. I assume they have a back up guest booked. If it does happen, it will be weird and awkward by the time it ends.

He was a millennial before it was cool. Wait, was it ever? I'm so confused.

Don't think it's so much about not getting Lannister men killed as it is about not slaughtering the population of Kings Landing. Intercepting the Lannister forces enroute from High Garden was the strategic move, though, so you think he'd have though of that. If anyone is messing up, it's Varys and his network of

Who wouldn't want a castle?

*you're* a poor analogy

Dany is intercepting Jaimie enroute from High Garden to Kings Landining, not catching up.

It's an anology…

Some people's idea of fun is hate.

Your opinion is wrong and annoying. You should be ashamed for having formed it, let alone having voiced it.