Electric Ukulele Land

Everyone needs a hobby, I suppose.

Wish we could say the same about the incessant whining of all the Moffat haters… Alas, I'm sure they'll continue to muscle their way into any discussion with their ever salient points about their feelings regarding his tenure. "Oh, are you talking about Dr. Who in some way, shape or form? Well, then, let me tell you

This is just bad fan fiction.

Jokes about pee tapes were probably sadly lacking during this country's actual bout with McCarthyism.

It's weird that the same conspiracy theorist that made a movie like "JFK" would provoke unintentional laughter from a late night talk show audience from assertions that seem born out of willful naiviette. Stone is almost as bad as Trump when it comes to the whole "he was nice to me so he must not be a bad guy."

I'm offended by the insinuation that Caesar and Trump are at all alike. Caesar actually did stuff. He conquered Gaul. He didn't bankrupt it. And given that all Trump's problems are pretty much self inflicted wounds, the whole assasination sequence would need to be rewritten to be a case of self-immolation.

This is an episode where my motivation to finish it boiled down to "well, there'll be a preview for next week's episode at the end of this."

Apparently Trump negotiated down the hours he'd be billed by asking for the "El Cheapo Special" package which dispenses with such extras as proof reading and logical arguments.

So the Master is Kathy Griffin? ;)

I'm sure Missy could have offered the critique while Doctor was in absentia, but it wouldn't have had nearly the same bite, especially if he was still in mid heel turn. I'm less worried about the plot mechanics as to how Missy gets into the mix than I am having her fit with the conceptual narrative if this all

Given the emphasis on fighting for what is true and what is not and even the time frame (6 months) this almost seemed like it would be an allegory of sorts for the Trump era — with the Doctor going bad being similar to the prospect of a US that once had a celebrated and loved president (who himself made a cameo in

No simulation! No simulation! You're the simulation!

Ahh… I was forgetting that bit. Well, if you want to just be dismissive. that's one approach. Don't listen to the substance of an argument and be blithe and glib about it.

If you're thinking I'm insulted by this, you gotta understand, A) as I said, I didn't finish the episode and I'm not at all motivated to do so and B) yeah, I am basically kind of dumbfounded by people's support for Trump, which is all I really recall and took away from what I saw of Randy — I'm not thinking your

There's a palpable difference between blind parroting and "calculating" so even your assessment is at odds with their portrayal of her, which was itself a sort of blind parroting of the trope of the politician that is an empty vessel at the mercy of their own advisors rather than any sort of insightful take on

Ugh, I could not finish this episode. At first I thought it might be okay if I just skipped the debate segment, but their whole treatment of the election is lazy and dangerously intellectually dishonest. The notion that Clinton is just blindly repeating what her advisers say is so at odds with reality that the best

Well, in your defense, not everyone was designed for thinking particularly hard.

I've given up on there being coherence to South Park's critiques. And these days there's just an unjustifiable meanness to their antics. I don't get what the deal is with the Kaitlyn Jenner caricature they insist on trotting out. The Turd Sandwich bit is hacky. Cartman's razzing of female comedian tropes almost

Honestly, Hodor's death to me verges on being kind of a shaggy dog story and, asides from the hokey logistics (aka "plot teleportation") and "sure, let's go with that" magic logic, reminds me of a rather non-PC joke from my childhood too much to get too worked about it.

If women shedding their clothing is something that has meaning, then this series has a LOT of meaning.