
Is Majors coming back?

No, we have to stop Hammer from selling timeshares. He may sell ball bearings, or brake pads, or encyclopedias, but not timeshares.

I overall disagree with this statement, and I hope it was meant as extreme hyperbole.  Maybe the reason it looks like Hollywood is less accountable is because it is more visible, but it is definitely not the most morally bankrupt place in the world, even if I lived there and thought pretty much everybody was a

“ the most morally bankrupt place on the planet filled with the most morally bankrupt people in the world.”

I just don’t agree Hollywood is the *most* morally bankrupt place on the planet, nor that it has the *most* morally bankrupt people in the world, that’s all.

On the one hand, it’s petty.

I hate Kesha’s music, but I admire the hell out of her for standing up to Luke, even though it cost her her career. And I truly hope she finds healing and peace.

Same. If the kids are “here for it” as they say, enjoy. But I don’t get it and why it matters on almost every level. I’ve tried reading about it to figure out the genesis and, sure, somebody got “dissed” I guess, but...

You seem alarmingly dense. She didn’t put anybody, genius. Again, she was discussing the rumor that her own rapist had raped another acquaintance in a private message with another friend who knew all parties involved and had heard the same rumor. Luke is the one who made those messages public.

That is SO weird because I was just sitting here at my desk feeling like a plastic bag! 

I’ve always said she’s the epitome of the male gaze, and this news is not making me reconsider my opinion. Just, UGH.

Spoilers for a show that’s not really worth your time

I was able to get mine shifted to Icon for Hire, because the lead singer has pink hair.

Tbh, that disclaimer in parenthesis made me lol.

Hey man someone got paid to write the new Garfield movie, it actually got produced and distributed to theaters and all kinds of people said ‘Yes, this is a good movie!’, so who knows how these schmucks think sometimes.

“I have the honor to be Your Obediant Servant, Kay dot Lam.”

I never do extra work anymore because the bosses come to expect it. 

“Drake, what can I say about your career that hasn’t already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted.”

But that’s because it wouldn’t have fit those three guys, who weren’t taking character actor roles - they were doing big leading man dramatic gigs in the prime of their careers. The analogue would only work if Cary Grant had spent the 60s appearing in Smothers Brothers sketches and doing Robert Downey Snr movies.

I don’t think anyone with a chronic illness is surprised by any of this. People love to ask how you’re feeling so that they can congratulate you on being brave/a fighter/etc when you politely just say “fine” and downplay things. People don’t like when you actually acknowledge how much it fuckin’ sucks because that’s