
I still remember I was dating my boyfriend-soon-to-be-husband-soon-to-be-ex-husband at the time, and I was telling him he should watch it, and I threw in that there was a lot of nudity. And he said “nudity...or dudity?” And I had to admit it was mostly dudity, but there were boobs too!”  But it really was a great

Probably had his therapist chained up below decks for appearances’ sake. lol

I was never gonna watch it. lol Also I’ve thought about moving to Canada but 1) it’s cold as fuck, and 2) I don’t really have a job that could transfer to another country. I could just move there and do some menial job making whatever is Canada’s version of minimum wage, but that also sounds shitty when I have two

I’m not saying it’s definitely not true.  Just that it seems like a rather convenient explanation.

Idk. I never saw Tenet but I can’t quantify my fear of both of them in a way that’s anything other than equal. Either Trump destroys the world, or Vance makes it so the world is impossible to live in anyway if you aren’t white and a man.  Either way I’m screwed.

Right.  I’m truly, TRULY, not trying to be a dick here. He didn’t deserve to die and that’s shitty.  But being killed when you didn’t deserve to be killed doesn’t automatically make you a hero and it doesn’t retroactively make you a good person.  I think we can say “that’s sad that he died like that” without lionizing

I keep forgetting to watch this show.  I enjoyed the first season on CC.

Oh I thought you meant after he was in office. I don’t remember what happens either.

“and makes the left look just as bad as the right.”

And then we’re still left with President Vance.

Because, like, we have to say “we don’t condone political violence in any form,” but also...what if someone had killed Hitler in 1938?

Especially when you know the “rehab” is just a spa.

Not sure I buy that she was drunk. I’d say I was drunk too if I had done that so badly.  Seems the easiest way to get out of the PR nightmare.

Not sure I buy that she was drunk.  I’d say I was drunk too if I had done that so badly

He absolutely wouldn’t, and I simply don’t understand anyone who, with all the evidence we have, still fosters the delusional belief that there’s a shred of decency anywhere in his body.

“But what I am saying is that, were the sitting president murdered, even Trump would probably hold off on such rhetoric.”

It’s legal, you just have to use Nerf guns.

“It’s a very sad day, a very sad day, we had an assassination and it’s very sad. But you gotta think a little bit that he deserved it, right? A little bit you have to think that...but very sad, very sad.”

but I’d think that even he recognizes that saying something like that publicly would be beyond the pale.”

Except lots of people have done a great job of it time and time again. It’s not the song’s fault. It’s hers.