
Yes, your bold refusal to acknowledge notable past criticisms has truly elevated you above us mere mortals. I am sure that when you bravely fail to offer an opinion that men want to be you and women line up to bear your children. Myself, I’m in awe of your utter lack of opinion masquerading as some sort of enlightened

Well, duh! Actors like Messing are probably used to flattering slimy entertainment industry bigwigs for the sake of their jobs, but that doesn’t mean she’d endorse him for president of the country. Plus, Messing’s show was off the air by the time Trump launched his campaign, so she certainly didn’t have to pretend

God, I’m so fucking tired of relentlessly exhausting orange fuckball.


i’m dying laughing at you defending this like your life is on the line.

Whenever I see a story like this I’m just so grateful I managed to quit driving. 

Did you not watch TV in the late 90s and early 2000s? Justin used a blaccent regularly. 

Why didn’t Janet Jackson take his keys away? I hate her

For real, if Trump had remained host of The Apprentice, and in 2016 had a moment of clarity that he had been a shitty rich asshole all his life, I’d be more than happy to let him walk his path to redemption, especially away from the public eye. The fact that he dove headfirst into the abyss and dragged the rest of the

“I'm all for growth, unless you've ever done anything wrong. You should be perfect and grow from there."

Yeah, rehabilitation is bad! Once people admit to doing bad things, they should never do anything again! They should just become online accountants, and never leave their homes, ever!

Honestly I adore “Call Me By Your Name”. What’s happened with this man is... upsetting.

I hate to say this in this context but “Call Me By Your Name” is one of my favourite films of all time.

Any time I’m tempted to say “To hell with actors who are rich heirs” I have to remember Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Dammit, Margot!

it’s wild that it’s apparently not a career killer to do terrible things to women but saying to want to eat them -- well that’s just going to far.

who COULD come to his aid?  He was accused of being a cannibal and the press just lapped it up like mothers milk

The Hammer Museum in L.A. is pretty terrific. And they own one of my favorite John Singer Sargent paintings.

Guy’s a weirdo but I think something that would be great for society would be a database with everyone’s most embarrassing sexual kink in it. You would see people being a lot less judgmental in public once you can look them up and find out about their Brazilian fart porn fetish.

before all of that stuff happened to me, I didn’t feel good

Artists don’t have anything in their wallets.