
*puke* The part where he would “frequently press himself against” the women gave me the dry heaves. Who am I kidding? All of it gave me the dry heaves. I feel like when he’s sitting down there’s only a little bit of his knees exposed past his belly, so yeah I too am confused as to how the straddling works and I DON’T

Ilana has looked great all season. Was that on purpose, I wonder? Because Abbi has mostly looked a hot mess. I’m not sure she’s run a brush through her hair this whole season, and when Ilana tells her to dress young and hot for the scavenger hunt she chose an ugly green sweater and jeans? Is this supposed to be a

Did anyone not immediately know it was a sex doll that went over the railing?

Now having finished reading the article, I will say that even though I have always and still think Mario Batali is a supercilious jerk, as sexual harassment apologies go this one is pretty well done. No victim blaming. No “that’s not indicative of who I am as a person.” No multiple mentions of how much he is admired.

Ew. I can think of so few people I’d like to be groped by less than Mario Batali.

I mean, yeah, it’s a long-winded way of saying that, but “innocent until proven guilty” has a specific meaning in terms of constitutional and criminal law. It means a person is presumed guilty by a judge or jury of their peers until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. In society, in public,

You said that there were no degrees of punishment, which led me to conclude that you think all the punishments have been the same. If I misunderstood what you meant by that I’m happy to be corrected.

I wouldn’t say that. Hundreds of years of our Republic being both sexist and racist have established a society and governing body that continues to be both sexist and racist. The patriarchy was ingrained into the system by those hundreds of years in our Republic, and thousands of years in the British monarchy.

There were only 3 sentences after that though.

It makes that particular Republic a patriarchy, just like a monarchy that only allows women to rule in specific circumstances is patriarchal as well.

Then I don’t see why it was a bad example, but okay.

And still, my point still stands. You “sent [yourself] to [your] room, etc.” There were still consequences. It wasn’t just “sorry” and that was the end of it.

That’s great for you, but surely you understand that’s not the way most people are or that most people were raised? I also bet if I asked your parents about 3 year old GEO they might have a different story.

Sure, sure. That’s basically a 13 year old’s perception of what’s corny. If it’s not profanity laden and full of blood it’s not realistic, because that’s the world 13 year olds live in.

“It’s creepy for 32 yr olds to date 18 yr and 19 yr olds, and an indication of an unhealthy interest IMO, but it’s technically legal. The correct response to such allegations is not to prosecute the guy, because he hasn’t broken the law.”

I don’t understand this fairy tail you and Mortal Wombat are spinning. The public—or “the mob,” as you want to call it—has a right to decide what it will and won’t tolerate. If individual people, in enough numbers to make any difference, all decide that they don’t want anything to do with sexual harassers, that’s

Except you have yet to give any description at all of what this “measured, precise approach” would look like. All you’re saying is that you want people to know that there are differences in different kinds of sexual assault. But everyone knows that. What *exactly* do you want?

Okay, but groping is sexual assault, and whose hindsight are you using when you classify them as simply “inappropriate relationships”?

We’re not talking about garden variety sexual harassment. We are talking about hands-on-bodies sexual assault.

I believe it. I mean to watch it one day.