"I don't think we will stay biological for very much longer..."
"I don't think we will stay biological for very much longer..."
I doubt there will be one unanimous scenario for the entire human population. Homo sapiens is probably already segmenting into several new species, each of which might practice a respective version of the options above (or combinations thereof.)
I am so grateful for the novels of Iain M. Banks; and I'm even more grateful that they were shelved between J.G. Ballard and Stephen Baxter, else I may never have discovered him.
I admit, I lost 2d6 sanity points when I saw these duck tits as a teenager. Today, as a mature adult, I'm okay with birds lactating. I still don't get how a baby with a beak could suck a nipple, but I'm sure George Lucas has an explanation on file somewhere.
If you have to read the book before you see the movie, the filmmakers have utterly and completely failed. Or to put it in Randian terms:
Maybe, but the motto of Prometheus was clearly "Reproduction is icky!"
CJ is reviewing the *film*, not the novel. And I'm pretty sure CJ has watched hundreds of thousands of hours of sci-fi movies. If the visual effects of the *film* are so ambiguous that it's not clear to CJ's expert eye whether Dagny's flying through a hologram or a teleport-tunnel, that's not CJ's fault, it's the…
So if the fictional technology is just a plot device, why did you criticize CJ's teleporter/hologram confusion in the first place?
Ayn Rand always wanted to have it both ways. Atlas Shrugged presumes to be an important novel — it comes with a confrontational attitude built into it ("You either love this novel, or you're a Communist!") — and any novel so self-serious is going to be held to higher scrutiny by its readers. So if Atlas Shrugged's…
Symbolism, subtext, and the non-stop panic over reproduction (particularly how the female body is portrayed as the site and source of abominations. )
Oh! A hologram! That makes Ayn Rand's story about one man inventing a perpetual motion machine so much more plausible.
On further thought, just watch THE INCREDIBLES. The few nuggets of Sense that can be found floating in Ayn Rand's teeming, hate-filled swamp of Nonsense, have been scooped up by Brad Bird and distilled down into an enjoyable 2-hour romp.
I wouldn't call it anarchy so much as oligarchy supported by social Darwinism. The Rich are your natural superiors — the proof is that they have more money than you. They earned it because they are smarter, harder working, physically stronger and in all ways more evolutionarily fit than you. Not only should you NOT…
If she was opposed to "might makes right," then how do you explain the climax of Atlas Shrugged — where all her heroic Men of Reason strap on firearms and storm a government building, guns blazing?
Don't read her novels. Read her essay "The Anti-Industrial Revolution." Then watch a season of Mad Men.
That 'flying into the mountain' thing was one of many cheats Ayn Rand conducted against her own narrative logic. What would compel a Man of Reason (or in Dagny's case, a female Man of Reason) to close her eyes, hold her breath, cross her fingers, and fly her airplane into a mountain? Indiana Jones' leap of faith was…
Wait — there was a Logan's Run Solar Van??? Oh man... What else did we miss? The Silent Running Geodesic Winnebago?
A great, underrated comedy show. The "Transphibians" sketch was one of the best bits of "found science fiction" to appear on television. (And followed by a classic DEVO performance. What's not to love?)
Oh please. Prometheus wasn't deep, it was 52-pickup.