One missing data point: How long did each of them live?
In the coffee shop I worked at, a quadruple espresso was known as a "Bill Shatner."
This column assumes its reader is already a solvent bourgeoise. None of this advice means much to the unemployed or under-employed individual struggling to subsist.
It's called "edgy" humor because if you fuck it up you fall off the edge.
It felt like a film version of a Dungeons & Dragons game. Complete with moments where the players pause to drink beer and discuss other Peter Jackson movies.
Nah, she's just too lazy.
What's her excuse for not having a PhD?
This is a serious fashion problem for men. There is no good hat to protect yourself from the sun that doesn't make you look like a douchebag, a dad, or somebody who otherwise has no interest in sex.
Original credit for this idea goes to Eric Drexler, who back in the 1980s imagined the "Cabinet Beast," described here in an interview with OMNI magazine:
Sadly I agree. I've given Moffat 3 years now, tried really hard to get into his groove, but the cloying, melodramatic, mystical treacle he's pulped the Whoniverse into only makes me nostalgic for the Colin Baker years.
DW under Moffat is choking in its own twee, and Clara Oswin is the final twee overdose. Oh how I wish the new companion could have been a Stone Age warrior woman, or a teenaged arsonist from South London, just to cut the saccharine to a tolerable level. I beg you Mr. Moffat: less Harry Potter, more Attack the Block.
Any film that features Sean Connery dressed like that, surrounded by two dozen futuristic nuns taking off their clothes, and the head matron telling him: "We will touch-teach you. And you will give us your seed..." definitely counts as porn.
Seriously, why all the hate toward George R.R.? If Game of Thrones isn't your bag, that's fine — just let it be. It's not like Denny's is telling you to "eat like a Dothraki."
Until the 5th-gen Moravec bush robots arrive to eat *your* flesh. Good luck fighting off/escaping a sentient neutronium tree with a trillion fractal-branching nanofingers :-)
Gracias :-)
I humbly submit my 1998 webcomic, "How Nature's Turkey® Came to Inhabit the Abandoned Industrial Park."
I agree! There already was an American Akira — it was called "Repo Man."
The problem with setting Akira in the U.S.A. is that we all know damned good and well that a future America will *never* be that interesting.