
Does anyone remember that Christopher Walken family sketch on SNL, where all the Walkens spoke and looked like Christopher? I hope the rest of the Peter Pan live cast is entirely made up of the Walkens from that alternate reality, with Amy Poehler as Peter Pan Walken

I'm from a Whale's Vagina (otherwise known as San Diego), so Anchorman really makes me beam with hometown pride

In this week's interview with Bryan Fuller, he confirms that Bev saw Abigail

I realize we can't discuss too much about the end of episode 2, but just watched it and my only reaction was WHAT THE FUCK!?

I never realized just how good Seth Meyers was at update until the arrival of Colin Jost.

Parks and Rec won't be back till mid-season? Bummer, the season finale had me so curious about the next season! Also, has there been actual confirmation that this will be the last season?

I knew Freddie wouldn't actually be dead solely because the wardrobe department would have given her something a lot more ridiculous to wear than the casual ensemble she had on at Will's farm as a final send off

I just hope the internet doesn't spoil the super secret mystery of whether Hannibal ever gets caught and sent to prison.

Watched Manhunter for the first time after watching this episode, and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the original Freddie Lounds wheelchair death scene! I was also pleasantly surprised by how visually stylish Manhunter is, albeit in a very 80's way.

Ugh, NBC better not kill Hannibal too

Thanks to Samuel L Jackson's comments, the porn industry will fall apart, littering the streets of America with millions of Porn stars desperate and willing to do anything for cash.

Watching live TV is for the POOR

Amy sedaris as sidekick, please!

The Late Show with Hypnotoad

Maya Rudolph would be a brilliant and refreshing replacement, which means there's probably no way it will actually happen

Lucy Liu bots for all!

Next season will be all about the search for a copy of Hannibal's cookbook

Fuck you, you can be gay, femme and enjoy gorey violence. There's a huge segment of the gay male population that's really into the horror genre. Fucking homophobic sexist troll. Spew your disgusting comments towards a mirror.

I'm just hoping for more Bob Benson in short shorts action, just imagine it in slo-mo!

Yes! The "will they? Or won't they?" storyline feels so overdone in sitcoms at this point, and is perhaps one of the few things that really bothers me about the show. Hopefully they'll deal with it in the remaining episodes this season and move on from it next season