
Peter Jackson will direct and turn what should be 1 movie into 23

Crap. I bet all that money on "American Horror Story: Sex and the City 3"

Just watched Volume 1, does anyone have any idea what accent Shia is attempting in this? My English boyfriend was thoroughly confused

Would this be worth a watch if you haven't seen the tv show?

I'm not usually a fan of fart jokes, but I really enjoyed the ones in this episode and this week's Rick and Morty, great week for flatulence!

Calling it now: Whoppi Goldberg to star as Zorro

Agh! Didn't notice it at first, but now i cant unsee it and it will surely work its way into my nightmares! Also, Roger's manic smile manages to make his strange baby hand even creepier

Edit: replied to wrong post

Fucking Cocksuckers

I just hope they incorporate Twerking in all of the Jets vs Sharks musical dance battles

I love Milk! So cute out of drag too, hope he keeps wearing those acid wash short shorts this season

Slightly disappointed that this article wasn't about how Jay Leno was going to be the new host for the Arsenio Hall show.

I vote for Jessica Lange and Angela Bassett!

Not too surprising, he seemed really unenthusiastic last season and it didn't help when he became the only coach with his whole team eliminated

I'm really looking forward to this! I've always thought her musicianship and songwriting has been criminally underrated in general. She hasn't had a perfect output by any means, but who has after over 20 years? Also, she's in the strange position of having her biggest fans be some of her harshest critics, while others

Possibly the best photos I've ever seen

Thanks for all the awesome music you contributed to, Mr. Casale. RIP, Hope you're whipping it in the great beyond on your journey back to Devo's home planet

My 13 year old self, who absolutely loved The Smashing Pumpkins, would be so shocked about the future of Billy Corgan

Wow, I absolutely loved Transparent and immediately felt invested in the characters, which I find impressive considering the number of new shows this season that I've tried watching 5 or 6 episodes of, mostly due to their pedigrees, like Agents of Shield, (which I know are totally different genres) and never felt

Eh, I was more upset about Hosea winning his season.