
My family is Giants - Mets, because my great-grandmother was a Brooklyn Dodgers fan and refused to root for the Yankees/AL after they left. So when the Mets came back, hey NL Baseball in NY Again! YAY! (THANKS GRANDMA)

And, as Hannah mentions, is 1/3rd of the best booth in baseball.

This is nothing new, and in a way perhaps less shocking than NJIT (my alma mater, I have fond memories, none of which revolve around athletics) home of the NCAA-record setting 51-consecutive loss Men’s Basketball team, recently shelled out 102 millon of state dollars for this monstrosity:

It’s sitting... like a rock... in my stomach!

Since you’ve gone down the MSG route already (no hate, I own a quart-sized container of the stuff from Restaurant Depot, which is especially great to horrify friends, family and fiance alike); why not add some xanthan gum and soy lecithin to make it emulsify more smoothly and potentially more stable? I do it when I

Kiehl’s Ultimate Man is freaking incredible ... I usually grab a bar when I’m dragged into Blue Mercury with the GF. Its $15 a bar which ‘aint cheap but you get at least a dozen showers out of it. It feels like showering with an actual brick. Smoothes calluses right down, exfoliates, and lathers like a milkshake.

This one had a yellow bow tie!

My freshman roomate in college gamed like this, it was Final Fantasy in his case. He wouldn’t leave the room for days. Subsisted on peanut butter and crackers. Never went to social functions or classes. Was placed on probation after 1 semester and failed out after 2.

My only, never-submitted pants pooping story involves exactly these pants, on gym day at Catholic grammar school.

One of the bartenders at Fanelli’s on Prince & Mercer does this from time to time, except he usually bellows QUIET! and scares people off their barstools. Go for the bloody marys and burgers, but avoid around the holidays!

One poor inning does not a season make, in the same manner as a hot start doesn’t determine the eventual division winner. As long as they keep winning series, they will be just fine.

When Martinez started kicking dirt I believe Keith said something like “good let ‘em have it”. They’ll never not take an ump to task for a questionable strike zone.

The barclay’s center has elevators that can carry busses and semi trucks from street level to the loading dock. You see the bus pulling into one in the first video, this jackass is in front of the other one. Once the bus/semi is in the loading bay, a 100’ turntable spins it to the appropriate dock. Pretty cool stuff!

Chinesium BS tester. Is your life worth $5? Either buy a Fluke like a real man or hire an electrician.

Chinesium BS tester. Is your life worth $5? Either buy a Fluke like a real man or hire an electrician.

Damnit I’m in NJ but I’d definitely check that out!!

Always use sharp blades. Always. Utility knives, xactos, circ/miter saws, sawzalls, jigsaws. A sharp blade makes even a cheap tool halfway decent, a dull blade is annoying at best and dangerous at worst.

my house is totally screwed up, there are 3 hookups for the 3 units, first floor has the two units nicely adjacent, right as you walk in the room (and even on a wood riser, how nice of our LL) 2nd floor (ours), washer is against one wall but the dryer is behind you and a few steps back to the left. Oh and because the

This is a great-grand(mother) story but close enough: