
Per “The internet”, I tried it with a stubborn wart on my thumb once, all it did was make it wet and VERY painful, I wound up getting the dr. scholls freeze-thingy, it was gone in a week.

This is a great primer! For further reading I highly recommend David Foster Wallace’s excellent (and concise!) guide to all things tennis Infinite Jest.

Ouch! That’s a rotator cuff, his career’s over!

Todd Pratt. And/or Turk Wendell.

As an architect who graduated in 2009 I very much enjoy this analogy.

This is the sense that no one is talking. They expected to contend, and didn’t, and have these giant contracts coming off the books. Easier to unload now to teams in the hunt than dealing with it in the offseason!

My mom was an art major and my dad went to a far upstate NY college, so for a memento for his dorm room she acrylic painted all four of the art panels from Tales from the Topographic Ocean. He sold them for beer money. They have still been married for 35 years but every so often, she gets that jab in. Not sure he’s

it is exactly as described above, but, BUT! on that one glorious day when you can finally walk into your finished project, that you have labored day in, day out on for literal years, in semi-isolation, with a client screaming in one ear to get it done and a principal in the other to burn less fee, and soak it in ...

who’s the goober reading the seat geek commercials? “i bought tix for me and my boy bosh...” ...BOSH?... “did we drink a bunch of beers OYEA” ...

There is a takeout joint near me called stuffed burgers that puts the cheese INSIDE the burger. Its life altering i tell ya!

HOF career?

My family is the rarer Giants/Mets. Because my grandmother was a dodgers fan and rooted for the NL when they came back to NYC.

Thanks for reading today’s edition of “what are the youths up to daily”

Apollo 13. When the capsule shows up on the screen with its chutes open. Gets me every damn time!

Now playing

In the spirit of Wimbledon ... Eschaton!

Now just dig up and reanimate the corpse of Leni Reifenstahl to make a glorious propaganda film for the new great america.

Either your tastebuds suck or you haven’t tried Maldon or Jacobsen salts. They’re divine. Crunchy flakes of salty briny goodness. Top a seared steak with a pat of butter and a sprinkling of Maldon. Delicious.

Sarah Kane’s play Blasted was produced at the Soho Rep about oh, 10 years ago. That one had on-stage rape and cannabalism and the theater was about the size of a two car garage.

For the love of god banish these space hogging, breeze blocking and view interrupting monstosities off my beach.

For the love of god banish these space hogging, breeze blocking and view interrupting monstosities off my beach.

The “It Thing” in new home construction and big reno’s round these parts is a heated driveway. Separate boiler in the basement, hydronic loop under the asphalt. It’ll keep up with everything up to a pretty serious blizzard. Worth every penny to my mind.