
I have to admit I spent an absurd amount of time giggling at that at my desk... without context. What is the context, if any?

The only Adidas I will ever care about.

I’ve taken to putting them in a lot of the things I cook. I make a mean Caesar dressing. The trick is using a stick blender and narrow cup.

There’s a great scene in one of the Sean Brock “Mind of a Chef” episodes that features him and a friend eating NHC. Similar experience to yours, with the employees looking on in a bemused fashion as the two of them slap the table and cry in pain. Great TV!

Thanks for the laugh at the end of a crazy day.

My Dad rocks his Ron Swoboda #4 we got him for Fathers’s day a few years back. Gets a few compliments every game without fail. He also has Y A Tittle for the giants.

He’s wearing what Couglin wore two years ago.

I was a pollworker once during a primary election in NJ 10 years ago, during one of my college summer breaks. Our county had just introduced “electronic” voting machines, finally doing away with the outdated mechanical toggle switch variety. The majority of the voters I saw that day (a gorgeous June Tuesday) were at

Architect here - speaking re: the strange choices of people in the rendering, most of the time when I’m tasked with putting one of these together for a client my scale figure photoshopping comes down to “what do I have in the folder full of images of people cut out of their surroundings?” Sometimes that means a

There’s an episode of a Ramond Blanc series on Youtube (Maybe it was the mushrooms one?) where he makes pasta and during the rolling process, joins the sheet together into one continuous loop so he can both work the crank arm and feed the dough. It was so simply brilliant I couldn’t believe it.

Our NJ office is a standard 4-story office building you see everywhere. We are on the ground floor but I know that people take the elevator to 2 all the time (because there is an atrium and I can see them getting on and off).

She should have known to not take anything Pemulis gave her from his yachting cap.

When we cleaned out my grandmother’s house she had a copy of “The Little Prince” on vinyl. It was spread over 8 sides of 4 discs in this giant box.

Can anyone give ROI on a Nest? What’s so special about it versus the $25 Honeywell programmable I picked up at Home Depot? Heat turns on when I come home from work at 6 and off when I leave in the morning. That’s all I ever need a T-stat to do. Who cares about seeing what temp your house is while you’re at work?

Can anyone give ROI on a Nest? What’s so special about it versus the $25 Honeywell programmable I picked up at Home

I wasn’t aware of the Yankee Moat until this article. Citi Field has something similar but its much smaller, only about 5-10 rows directly behind home plate and out to the dugouts. Out by the baseline’s its still possible for the commoners to walk down and snag a ball during BP.

I am told by my uncle who hauls gravel and such in tandems and tri-axels on a regular basis that the gist is: if the gravel falls off my truck and hits your windshield, its my fault, even if it bounces on the road first. If I kick up pre-existing gravel on the road with my tire and it hits your windsheild, its not my

This just took a fond memory of my childhood - sliding across the freshly waxed elementary school gym floor on your knees in sweats - and gave it a whole extra spine-tingling “what if” level.

That does indeed explain it!

True, thanks for the clarification.