
Heard the new album yet? Its actually pretty good!

*steps in front of firing squad*

They don't just watch Flight of the Conchords in NZ. They LOVE it. I got drinks with a bunch of Kiwi's down in DC for a Solar Decathlon-related event. First off, they were honestly some of the best people I've ever met. Secondly- we got to talking about their home country and I said, truthfully, that the only things I

Meh. Reliability is so tedious. My old Range Rover would break down once a month. Annoying? sure. Expensive? heck yes. But boring? never.

I worked with WET design during a summer internship at an architecture firm. Those guys are seriously, seriously passionate about how water can be manipulated to affect a design. We had a 5-story tall ellipticle water wall surrounding the main entry area to this project. They built a massive mockup of the whole thing

That's the same way the locks work in the Fiat. Push the handle in to lock, open the door to unlock. It's quite convenient.

They also added a feature to post-July models which locks the doors once you go over 5 MPH. Mine (which I bought in early May) does not do this, and when I got a loaner from the dealer it did. Strange.

Yuin makes some nice actual earbuds. For in-ears, Etymotic, UE's, or Shure.

This is going to sound crazy- however I would trade my current, brand-new Fiat 500 sport for my former, 14 year old, 1997 Range Rover in a heartbeat. The condition would be that it would have to be fixed to perfection, with none of the mounting issues it had when I sold it. I loved that car and there is little else

Nice pick! I love my 500 sport. Its a blast to drive and has a surprising amount of cargo space in the back with the seats down. Sadly, you're more likely to see a white whale than find one with a stick- the dealer I went to in NJ only had (1) on the lot at the time I got mine (in May) and it was actually being sold

"You want bread?"

I looked around for regular applecare and could only find it for the iPhone 4. Oh well.

Got mine. 32gb, black, at&t. Apple site was no problem. Also, when did applecare start costing 100 bucks??

An Apple IIc in around 1993. It was my Uncle's, he upgraded to something newer and I got the hand-me-down. I still remember the satisfying ca-THUNK of loading a floppy disc into it. I forget the specific programs it ran, but I do recall it wouldn't do anything if you turned it on without a program disc- it needed one

In 2005, I was given an iPod Video for christmas. I still remember the feeling of wonder as I unboxed my first Apple product. 6 years later, that same iPod is still going strong, playing music in the car every day without fail. It survived all of college, tens of thousands of miles in the car, on planes, trains and

My 3G has gotten comically, hilariously slow... it took it 3 minutes to load maps today. 3. I timed it. So yes, I will be upgrading. I'm slightly disappointed in that the form factor didn't change but it should still be an awesome jump forwards for me.

This is one of the very few albums I actually know all the words to front to back. A friend and I were driving back to school from someplace far away. I want to say it was a concert in Albany, a solid 2.5 hour drive from our campus. I put bang bang on just as background. By the end of the album, it was no longer

Chromeo: the best french canadian, arab/jewish, post electropunk duo you've never heard of.