
@smokyburnout: ah. the "fistful of hammers" technique. classic.

@AmishJohn: I'm curious how much of a NIMBY problem it would have actually been. In jersey, we have Englishtown raceway, which is more or less surrounded by 3-4 suburban communities, and they have races there every weekend during the summer. F1 was looking to cut a small track on comparatively gigantic liberty state

@Fast_Nel: Its a lewis black joke about super bowl ads.

Its been done.

"Three rabbits are sitting on a log. One of them goes home and hangs himself. Buy a Fiat"

@GtAkReYz: As someone who has had a seizure, I would never want the road speed capped electronically, due to the potential need for emergency driving.

I've actually run a red light in the past to avoid being carjacked. Dude was approaching my window with a length of pipe. I floored it and got out of there. Imagine what would have happened if my engine had been "disabled" in some odd attempt to save .25 fl oz of gas?

I'm going to say that any version of the toyota corolla is pretty forgettable... they've become such a ubiquitous fabric in parking lots that its easy to look past them. I would dread owning one in silver and parking it in any big mall lot; you would have to walk past at least 5 of them before you found yours.

@benmoo: Unless it was owned by one Jo(h)n Voight.

@oddseth: *raises hand... and runs to fix oil leak*

Sync is pretty great. Its just about the only feature in my Dad's MKS that doesn't drive me up the wall. His car also does this really cool thing where when you unlock the car with the remote and hold the button, the windows drop and the sunroof opens. Its fantastic in the hot summer months, to cool the car off a bit

"No one said anything about Richard Hammond's ideal car..."

ha! I just read this story in the Star Ledger. Good times.

I can totally, totally relate. I've been driving a 1997 Range Rover for six years. Its had so many problems I cant count them all (I got a laugh at your coolant issue; mine did (and probably still does) the same). Right now, the radio doesn't work for some odd reason. It doesn't always shift into park fully so you

The only time I've ever seriously used a GPS was when my friends and I were driving to a ski area about an hour and a half north of Montreal for spring break. It was my friend's, and we put it in my car for the trip. It was fine until we got to Montreal and had to navigate thru... It was dark, and there were about a

Even if they stop building the camry like that, I'm still going to walk right past it and go to the ford focus/fusion.

@Roberto G.: The beeper was probably sounding because either a) the brakes weren't charged or b) you didn't release the parking break.

John Dere 744j wheel loader with an 11' snopusher on the front, clearing parking lots during the blizzards we had this past winter. Talk about a commanding sense of owning the road... the snopusher was the width of a parking lane and in no time flat would have a gigantic mound of snow in front of it. I had a pic but

Cracked up at the first picture. Its such a TG style accident its great... like May's mast from his amphi-yacht getting caught on poles and trees.

I think you need to be a much bigger F1 fan than I am to understand most of this article. There's just way too much terminology and namedropping that I don't get.