
Did you mean January 1st? Or is there a whole swath of people that go out drinking on New Years Day that I don’t know about?


So Beckham balked at Ball, who was brandishing a baseball bat for Bene Benwikere? And Brad beckoned Beckham to back up from Ball’s bat?

Oh, come ON.

this joke would have been funnier if it had been told 10 years ago

Way to spoil the surprise for your nephew, James. Now he knows exactly what kind of institutional racism is in store for him.

“In five years, when Tebow is leading Denver into the playoffs and Cam Newton is riding someone’s bench, remember this article.”

“Cam Newton is a sure-fire bust. I am so certain of this that if he is the Panthers’ starting quarterback in 2016, I will buy a Cam Newton jersey and stand in the stadium parking lot in my underwear when the Panthers come to Tampa Bay and hold a sign proclaiming that Auburn rules over Florida and Carolina rules over

In all seriousness that was a valid question when looking at the development of the play. You can engage within 5 yards, but the defender was pretty much riding him the entire play.

With all the concern the NFL pretends on brain damage how the hell was OBJ not ejected for this. It's a blindside helmet to helmet late hit. He launched himself headfirst at the head of an unsuspecting player. That's how serious injuries, concussions, etc happen and he should have immediately kicked out of the game.

I was totally with you, but I just decided to do a quick google search on it. Like you, I strongly prefer ODB, but it looks like Beckham isn’t getting Doug Martined on this one. ODB may not make it to 2016, at this rate.

Isn't there an NFL rule that any violence against Cortland Finnegan is allowed? If not, there should be.

hey idk if u noticed but obj is actually his initials

I’m sorry, the Jets-Cowboys have a rivalry? A heated one, at that?

Who did you have to sell your soul to?

I am nauseous thinking about all the hardcore wretched racists. I’m sheltered but I thought it was mostly Shitty Drunk Uncles and a small percentage of rednecks. They’re everywhere. Like roaches we caught in the night.

Even if he’s a liberal purposely sabotaging the GOP, he’s still fucking evil for riling up the 25 to 40 percent of hardcore racists in this country. People are getting hurt because of this pus filled sack of shit’s rhetoric.

It’s the only thing that makes sense. Trump is not an idiot and he is very media savvy. Couple that with reports that he met with Bill Clinton who asked him to run as a Republican. I have to believe he is the ultimate false flag operation to discredit and destroy the GOP to ensure that Hillary wins.

Trail of [ACL] Tears.