I don’t think of it that way. I’m highlighting someone else’s video and hard work so that more people can see their video and hard work.
I don’t think of it that way. I’m highlighting someone else’s video and hard work so that more people can see their video and hard work.
For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...
On social media Ivanka has a huge following of middle and low class white moms, gun nuts, hunters, white sorority sisters, and self-proclaimed white supremacists. They leave her messages telling her she’s beautiful, telling her she’s a wonderful role model for women and especially moms, thanking her for bringing class…
Yes, I don’t already do this. I simply rinse the brush with a flush, tap three times very gently on the toilet rim to loose the majority of the water, and then put the brush in its holder, where any remaining water evaporates.
Don’t forget that Petraeus was actually convicted of doing what Hillary Clinton was merely accused of doing.
I mean, Trump clearly hasn’t learn any new business advice since the 1970s. There’s a reason his businesses constantly fail.
Actually, the extent to which Mike McLintock is a prescient spoof of Sean Spicer is staggering.
They’re not leaving Veep much room for satire.
I went over to Breitbart to see the comment section on this. (Never go to the comment section on Breitbart.)
I believe CA is making it a ballot requirement - no returns means you’re not on the ballot.
In related news, he will also NOT be:
Never trust someone who uses the phrase “trust me”.
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.
As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.
Baylor probably.
Just because other politicians have bought into something that is un-vetted and very “national inquirer-y” doesn’t suddenly make it more valid and newsworthy.
You imply that this dossier has ANY evidence of authenticity. There is none. Period. It MAY be 100% true. I have no idea, and neither do you or (it would seem) ANYONE reporting on it. You may as well say “There are reports of invisible trolls conducting mind control experiments on world leaders”... as that statement…
I’m not sure how to feel, yet, but one discomfiting thought that keeps coming back is how it feels kind of similar to how right leaning outlets would bring up pizzagate with a sorta “we just don’t know!” hands in the air routine.
Also- I’ll own this one. Total Poe’s law. I (mistakenly) thought people would get this is satire, especially given he DID slide. Next time I’ll be more extreme/obvious about it.
I’m sure you’ll FIG-ure it out