Teenagers are mostly dicks.
Teenagers are mostly dicks.
Major dick move, son.
You can tell they weren't Ferrari employees because they didn't crash into each other.
Ist year production car; probably limp mode.
It could be reliably empty from people, but you still can’t control any wildlife that might come about
I’m going to get the name of this thingie wrong, but you need an LTE Interference blocker. In an apartment, you have all these wifi/cell phones blocking reception. This device filters out thopse so you can get reception.
I guess it was too much to hope she admitted there’s no way to pay for all the free stuff she’s promised without at least doubling taxes across the board.
“... If you were to purchase a Toyota, you would not be able to drive off with a Lexus, because it was empty.”
I say this as a smug independent/libertarian so take with a grain of salt, but if people would actually vote based on real values instead of just a blanket (R) or (D) designation, maybe we wouldn’t be in a situation where the (R) or (D) means more than values like honesty, truth, etc.
It’s a three ring circus, to keep the mobs yelling at each other, throwing blame and shame endlessly so politics can continue without interference from the people being governed.
I’ll bite.. as a heavy travaller, while I can’t (and won’t speak for EVERYONE on the plane, I can give some reasonable answers to this):
(cites no place with actual free cheeseburgers)
Don’t worry, with Ford quality, those things won’t last. They’ll be back to Toyota in no time.
The most concerning thing is that it looks like Toyota is losing market share to Ford.
you could soon pay up to nine dollars more to fill up your F-150 at the pump
Girl aged a year waiting at airport?
Great. We all care that you’re a liberal president bashing twit. Carry on.
If you’re single gross 120,000 you pay 20,000 fed income tax and 9,000 in FICO which isn’t 50%.
Claim denied do do do do do do