
For less money, you could drive away in a TRD Off-Road Tacoma, which won’t self-immolate.

I wish I could star this twice.

Believe it or not, most people find an entire bagel to be too much food.

Unless you’re suicidal, I really wouldn’t worry about it. Statistically, you’re twice as likely to get killed in a car accident than by a gun.

The US is a Republic. Democracy is two wolves and one lamb voting what to eat for dinner.

“Pure democracy is an evil, not a virtue”

Meh. No one is blaming Jewish people. People love Jewish folks now. Without them, who would create and star in new movies? Plus bagels. Yum. Plus Jewish girls are cute. And Jewish people are great conversationalists, just like my Italian ancestors. We can kibbitz.

...but the country feels even more broken than it did before that.

although I haven’t bought anything because I know that statistically speaking it’ll just be used to kill ME

I don’t like things between me and the seat, either.

I live in FL. I can’t count how many times I’ve sped around some old dude and made it through a traffic light, to look in my rear view and see them get stuck at it. It happens to be at least twice a month, and every time, it gives me great pleasure.

Everything comes out of my pockets when I drive anyway.

And please, for the love of all that is holy, give me a REAL KEY!

I’d go old school and run some Ethernet wire.

Exactly.  I don’t need a friendlier horn.  I need one which makes the idiot stop his idiocy rightfuckingnow.

Volvo needs to be paying more attention to what’s going on outside of the vehicle rather than what’s happening inside the vehicle. 

In that case, I’d recommend therapy instead.  It will be far more productive.

I’ve never voted Democrat, but Medicare for all would get my vote, regardless of who proposes it.

Of course. That’s the whole point. Those markets exist to serve their customers, in this case sick people. By being sick and needing healthcare, you’re helping to create the market. Those medical professionals, manufacturers, and laborers have jobs and are able to afford shelter and eat directly because that market

Your bad health costs OTHER PEOPLE money. You’re jacking up the cost of their health premiums, and pricing people out of affording health insurance