Electric Horn

Oh my. Picture this: an F1 World Championship with 4 races a year with classic F1 cars, one race for each decade from the 50s to the 80s. Teams that already existed use their own cars from those eras, others can rent any other cars available (as long as there’s two of them, so both drivers in each team get the same

Eh, if I had to guess, we’re not quite at the limit yet. We’ll always be able to make more power. Limitations come from two areas, our ability to make tires to hold up to that speed, and the ability to overcome the drag with the available traction to the ground. The wheel-driven LSRs tend to be in the mid 400s with

Is 400mph easier to reach than we imagine? Doubtful given that we’re at the limit of terrestrial air, but...

It’s absurd that both driver and manufacturer think that the Tuatara can go FASTER. There are airplanes SLOWER than that thing.

I think Bristol did a better job.