Electric Horn

John Cobb topped 400mph in 1947 on pneumatic tyres when breaking the LSR at Bonneville. The current wheel-driven, gasoline-engined LSR (set in 2010) is 414mph, also on pneumatic tyres. It does look like that’s close to the practical limit.

So, to summarise Ghosn-era Nissan in one image:

Think it was a JetStar in Goldfinger, too. So if the interior isn’t authentic Elvis you could refurbish it in original early ‘60s style and play out your Pussy Galore fantasies... or leave ass-first via the window like Gert Frobe.

Mmmm. Velooooooooour.

Surely the Lotus should have just one lamp popped up to give the authentic Lots-Of-Trouble-Usually-Serious look?