
devil’s advocate: what 19 year old reads emails from their mother?

We're mad at the word "appears" now? Ok Splinter.

Why does Deadspin insist on so creating so many posts arguing for a video for a 77-year-old guy getting a handjob? I hate the Patriots, but don’t see how this topic deserves 10+ posts.

This is a fucking psychotic stipulation. Whatever business that would agree to that is out of their fucking mind. Fits that it’s a union that implemented it as they are, generally, out of their fucking minds.

The desperation to sink ANY other candidate to help Bernie is pathetic (and I say this as someone who wouldn’t vote for Biden in the primary).

This. 100%

Yeah, it’s the Splinteratti whose politics are out of touch with the democratic base. The democratic base, largely, is smart enough  it to get into internet slapfights about politics because they realize it’s a waste of time.

The desperation to sink Biden so Bernie can win is getting pathetic.

whose politics are painfully out of touch with the Democratic Party

Libby has no idea how the world works and what is going on in general.

Pretty tough talk for a woman who lost her GA Gubernatorial Campaign even with Oprah and Bernie stumping for her.

It’s completely different because... vaginas, I guess. 

Hasn’t this same website published blogs laughing about women ranking men?

She is horrible.  I hope cooler heads prevail here and the Republicans provide a thoughtful option and encourages the private sector to continue their development of the technology and products we need to make key changes for climate.

And that’s exactly what drives me insane about most of the writers and a good portion of the commentariat here.

They go from supporting DOMA to “civil unions” to full throated support of marriage equality, not because they’re principled or courageous, but because they see which way the wind is blowing, both within the party and generally.

But what if we tried bitching on the internet while holding out for a perfectly woke progressive unicorn candidate? Surely that will work this time!

Paul, no one is perfect. A president can’t be all things to all people. Get right the fuck over that OR tell us exactly who is your ideal candidate. I wanna meet your unicorn. Oh and he/she needs to be willing to run.

So... when he’s in the primary, you fight - hard - for a more progressive candidate. If he wins the primary anyway, you vote for him and you fight - even harder - for him to win the general. Then you work within your party for progressive values next time round. And you keep working, and keep voting. And repeat. This