
Performative bullshit is what it is. However, this progressive crusade against “bipartisanship” or general cooperation is juvenile and self-defeating.

I get that everyone on the internet is a lonely shut-in, but people who engage with the world and still keep up social bonds have varying ways they can show affection to each other. Coming from a Hispanic family, I had to watch the gif a couple times before I realized people thought the kiss was weird.

I’m not sure why I need to pass judgement on the Tom Brady video. Speaking as a Dad of a 9y/o boy, I love it when he gives me a spontaneous hug or a kiss. I know he’s going to turn into an asshole when he’s a teenager, so I’m enjoying the hugs and kisses all I can.

Seems like a fair thing for Izzo and/or Dantonio to say since neither had anything to do with Nassar or gymnastics.

Great article, and this is likely something I’m going to do! As an aside though...

Just dropped four bills at the humane society. I’m just gonna root for my patriots and get drunk on cheap beer.

It’s hard to accept, but the Eagles and their fanbase have made Tom Brady the hero that Gotham needs right now.

I mean, almost a year post-launch and ‘normal’ developers still can’t buy Switch dev hardware, we still don’t have any info on the Online services, and no further info on the Virtual Console...

I’ll use plain language. It’s none of our fucking business how badly he was injured. Your tax dollars don’t mean shit. Technically, they pay for all public officials. Does that mean they don’t have protection under HIPAA? Fuck off.

If you are truly concerned with global warming you would be pro nuclear power. They have a smaller footprint than the solar and wind based plants everyone is so excited about, and they have a greater power generating capability. Is there a danger, yes but as I have said for years, all nuclear power plants should be

Finally putting that degree in Asian Studies to good use, Doug-san?

Well, aren’t you a samurai of semantics.

I stopped hating Steve the instant he decided to hang around and fight the monster back in season one, by midway through season two he’s one of my favorite characters.

Even peaceful Muslims and Muslim nations are stuck in the dark ages when it comes to human rights. I don’t think they are all ISIS-loving fanatics who want to kill the infidel (though Israeli Jews, idk), but even mainstream Islam is troubling. Mainstream Christianity, practiced to some extent in most developed

Call the NTSB everyone this guy on the internet has solved it, no need for further investigation. It couldn’t have possibly have been a bird strike.

Nope, sorry. Modern American discourse indicates that someone can either be extraordinarily downtrodden or on “fat cat” level, with no points in-between. I just found this out.

Keep up the in-fighting and annoying “protesting” by blocking streets guys! Almost guaranteed Trump will win another 4 years.

Laura is wrong!

Stranger things have happened.

This isn’t really fair to the Dolphins. The Bucs will be coming off a bye in week 10 and will have two weeks to prepare.